Fed Party Update d1989

Day 1,989, 12:12 Published in USA USA by Derphoof

Damn right it is! I’m Derphoof here with your Fed Update for Day 1989.

Now, let’s get down to business.

The Unity primaries have proven to be hotly contested, as shown by the WTP Primary. For the first time, a party was split, the votes were tied, and a PP had to act as the tie-breaker. In the Federalist Party, supporters of candidates fought it out, debating who was better. After the polls closed and all was said and done, the result was clear.

The vote tally was as follows:
Artela - 29
Tenshibo - 21
Dr Luis Sentieiro - 5

The Federalist Party has chosen Artela as their choice in the Unity Primary! The party would like to thank all of the candidates for their hard work and effort. All of the candidates answered the questions posed to them by our members as they made great effort to win our hearts and minds.

We extend our congratulations to Artela as we wish her good luck in the rest of the party primaries!

The Federalist Writing Contest is underway! For those of you who have not submitted articles, we highly encourage you to do so! Your efforts will not go unrewarded as we have prizes lined up for first, second, and third place!

1st - 10g
2nd - 5g
3rd - 3g

The writing prompt is as follows:

“The topic is inspiration. Answer on one of the following:
1) What inspired you to become a Fed?
2) What was the most inspiring moment you had since becoming a Fed?
3) What Fed do you find most inspiring?"

We will be accepting submissions through May 3rd, giving everyone plenty of time to write a stellar article. When that period ends, we will begin the process of judging until we have decided the winners. The winners will be announced no later than May 10th in order for the party to focus on Party President elections.

To keep track of all entries, please state that your article is for the competition and PM the link to Kody5 and myself (Derphoof) so that we can keep an orderly list of articles.

I hope you all consider participating! That 10g could be yours, and all you have to do is write!

Fed Scavenger Hunt - The Original Fawkie

Dunks as he searches for items

Last week's Scavenger hunt is now over, with Petey Alazar being the winner. Congratulations! This week, we'll be having another one, with a much shorter list. Here it is:

1.) Asking for help or helping someone else out.
2.) Posting in the Introductions section of the Fed forums.
3.) Fulfilling your MU’s daily order.
4.) Voting up the most recent DoE article.
5.) Friending another Fed in-game.
6.) Partaking in some sort of eRepublik related discussion.
7.) Shouting the Fed Update article link.
8.) Derphoof posting a pony reaction picture.
9.) Send Josh Frost a friend request and a message telling him not to die.
10.) Trolling Oblige with whale pictures.

The first person to finish gets 50 Q7 tanks, second 30, and third place 20. Not fast? Don't worry, anyone who finishes the scavenger hunt will get 10 tanks just for playing!

Apart from number 8, these all need to be screenshots of you doing these things. Number 8 is obviously Derphoof doing something. If you want to play, just post your submission here: http://fedparty.forumotion.com/t2490-may-1st-fed-scavenger-hunt

Good luck everyone!

Thanks for that, Fawkie! As a note, there is much more to do on the forums, so be sure to stop by!

Here are some articles of note from Fed Party members as of late, mainly from the Frost Suicide Saga:

[Artela4CP] Working Hard for eAmerica by Duncan Crowe
RGR it’s Time to Step Away from the Podium by Catri Athena
Suicide is the Only Way Out by Josh Frost
Kitten Rescue, Part 1 by fingerguns
SAVE THE KITTEH by Tyler Buublar
All Cats go to Heaven by Josh Frost
Kitten Rescue, Part 2 by fingerguns

There is always discussion going on in the Fed Forums, and here are some threads to check out in case you’ve been away:

When Should Unity Elections End?
HIS BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS - Are we P/H enough to save Josh Frost?!
Fed Party Grab Bags!
The Frustration of Bazooka Parts

eFPR is tomorrow, Thursday, at 18:00 eRep time!

Make sure to vote, shout, and subscribe for more Srs Fed Bsns. Thanks for reading!

-The Federalist Media Team