Fed Party Update d1983

Day 1,983, 16:55 Published in USA USA by Derphoof

Good Evening Feds!

I'm Derphoof, your Director of Media, here with your Fed Party Update! We have a few things going on this week that the department would like to bring to your attention:

First off is the important business of the day: Congressional Elections.

We would like to thank everyone who filled out the application to be considered to represent the Feds during this upcoming month’s Congress. We had a total of 25 applications. The Political Department was charged with the task of sorting those applications and deciding which Feds should go to Congress this month. They selected the following list:

Clint Carmel
Molly Emma
New Azazel
Jude Connors
Claw 94,
The Original Fawkie
Paul Proteus
Joe Lansing
Petey Alazar

Congrats to those who made the list! As of writing this update, the Federalist party currently holds 22.95% of the vote. That will likely translate to 12 candidates making the cut. Sadly, that means Joe and Petey will likely be left out while Dunks is just barely making the cut.

Again, thanks to all that applied! If you did not make the list, keep applying and stay active! Hopefully you’ll make the list next month! Congrats to those who will be in Congress next month and we hope you represent the party well!

This week we also begin this month’s writing contest!

Starting tomorrow, we will begin accepting entries for the April-May Federalist Writing Contest. This contest helps to spur creativity and activity amongst our members as well as some quality articles for the rest of us to read! The prompt for this competition reads as follows:

“The topic is inspiration. Answer on one of the following:
1) What inspired you to become a Fed?
2) What was the most inspiring moment you had since becoming a Fed?
3) What Fed do you find most inspiring?"

As this is a competition, the judges will come from the Media Department and our new Department of Fun. There will also be prizes for the first, second, and third place winners!

First Place: 10g
Second Place: 5g
Third Place: 3g

Will will be accepting submissions from now until May 3rd, giving everyone a whole week to write a stellar article. When that period ends, we will begin the process of judging until we have decided the winners. The winners will be announced no later than May 10th in order for the party to focus on Party President elections.

To keep track of all entries, please state that your article is for the competition and PM the link to Kody5 and myself (Derphoof) so that we can keep an orderly list of articles.

I hope you all consider participating! That 10g could be yours, and all you have to do is write!

Another competition, courtesy of our Retention Department, is the Fed Scavenger Hunt!

If you’ve been on the Forums lately, The Fed Scavenger hunt has been going on for the past four days. If you haven’t been on, then prepare to do some hunting! The competition lasts until day 1876 and the person who can acquire the most things will win 100 Q7 Tanks! All the items you use must be either screenshots, logs, or links from during the scavenger hunt period.

The list of items can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/FedScavHunt

So go forth Feds! Visit the forums, and scavenge as though your eLife depends on it!

As a note: Retention also hosts trivia an hour before the weekly Fed Meetings on IRC at #fedgaming!

Recommended reading:

These are both articles written by Feds and I highly encourage you to read them in case you’ve not been paying attention to the media!

A Fond Farewell by Black Keating
Fed PP Address byEnterAwesome
Movin’ up in the eworld by Clint Carmel
IMPORTANT ATO ARTICLE - Vote the Fed line for Congress by Clint Carmel
Interview with Paul Proteus by Duncan Crowe
Congress List by Jude Connors
P/H - It’s the only way to fly by Tyler Buublar
Unity Elections by Fingerguns
Best Party by Squantoo
I want to go on a great crusade by Bucephalus92
The Value of Community by Josh Frost

Latest from the Forums:

Discussion on the upcoming World War
Artela’s Q&A Thread
DLS’ Q&A Thread
A Fed Poal About Hugs

eFPR is next Thursday, at 18:00 eRep time!

Make sure to vote, shout, and subscribe for more Srs Fed Bsns. Thanks for reading!

-The Federalist Media Team