Fed Party Update d1975

Day 1,975, 17:11 Published in USA USA by Derphoof

Hellooooo Feds!

I am your new Director of Media, Derphoof!

Congratulations to our new fearless leader, EnterAwesome, for winning the Party President elections! It was encouraging to see the relatively high turnout from the party in the election. Turnout almost doubled from the previous month, jumping from 45 to 86 participants. Bravo, Feds! If you voted, but you’re not used to being active on the forum, then we’d love to have you stick around and get involved!

We have several active conversations currently happening on the forums, and you can check out links to those conversations at the end of this article!

As we move forward into this new month of Party Politics, we have one major announcement to cover. That would be the formal activation of our new party military unit, SHIELD.

Following the split of EZC from formal association with the Federalist Party, many of our members decided that we would like to maintain a party MU. Since then, much planning and coordination has gone into the creation of this unit. However, we can now announce that communes have been set up and we are ready to roll! The MU is open to all Feds who would like to join. Even though it is more connected to the Feds than EZC was, it is still open to the general public!

So if you’re feeling kinda P/H, or perhaps you like the people in Fed community, then come on and join SHIELD! We’ll be glad to have you.

The overall purpose of the MU is to “teach new players the military module, provide a fun environment for all, and to provide the opportunity to fight with friends.”

We are extremely proud of this achievement and we will be growing and refining the unit as time goes on. For all those looking to join the unit, Feds and Non-Feds, stop by the forums, ask about getting a uniform, join the MU in-game, and PM Tiacha or CrashThompson about commune opportunities.

For more info, check out [FED] SHIELD by Duncan Crowe

With the conclusion of the Party President elections, we move into the next part of the monthly election cycle, Congress. As such, our Political Staff is now taking applications to become a representative of the Feds in Congress.

This is not a job that should be taken lightly. It requires a mixture of experience, activity and knowledge of the game/current affairs in order to be an effective congressman! At the Feds, we do our best to choose best possible people to represent us!

As a reminder, only Feds who have been a member of the party for over 1 month can apply! The political staff will be filtering applications from both old and new members as they try to select the best Feds for the job! Old and new members will be among the chosen, so don’t let your age discourage you! If you don’t get the job this time, keep applying! Being active on the forums, IRC, and in the general eRepublik community always increases your chances of getting selected.

For those who are interested, you can read the requirements and find the application here.

For more updates and activities in the Feds, I’ll turn it over to the rest of the Media Team!

Fed Party Awards by Aramec

With a party so full of cool, quirky, and genuinely wonderful individuals, it’s important to take time out and recognize the talent each Federalist brings to the collective whole. With that said, the Federalist Party is pleased to announce it is bringing back the Feds Awards Program with the objective to honor those who deserve thanks and who bring some fun to this game.

Each month we will reward people in various categories based upon your voting. The categories for nomination are as follows:

FED of Gol😛 The citizen that has done awesome work for the party.

Baby FED of Gol😛 The newest FED member that has done awesome work for the party.

Most P/H Fe😛 Who's lives and breathes this party more than anyone else?

Best post on Forum: Who's got the best?

Best Forum Avatar and Signature: The most P/H combination of pixels you've ever seen.

Craziest Fe😛 Self-explanatory

Nicest Fe😛 Who is the friendliest Fed you've ever talked to?

Most Fun Fed to talk to: Who just makes things fun and interesting?

Fed you would most like to get stuck in an elevator with: Who would you want to get stuck with for 4 hours and keep you entertained?

Lulz of the Month: The person that has made more laughs for the American people.

Journalist of the Moment: Every day we see a lot of new articles and new writers but who is the one that we all love? That is the one who deserve that prize.

Ajay Bruno Awar😛 The one who is negatively seen by most of community, the most controversial citizen of the month.

Voting is open to all Federalist party members and will be held this week with the announcement of the winners will occuring this weekend! Be sure to check out the announcement thread on the forum and let your voice be heard!

Good luck to all members!

Stay proud!

Stay horny!

Q&A with EnterAwesome by Clint Carmel

Today we're going to be talking with new Federalist Party President, Enter Awesome.

10 Questions for Enter Awesome:

CC: First up, how did you find eRep? How long you been playing?
EA: Finding eRep was a bit personal and goes way back. I got appendicitis and had to take care of that and got out of school! Instead of going back to school late, I did an accelerated online thing. My brother used to play eRepublik and talked about it a lot so I googled it and joined. The rest is history.

CC: How did you become a Fed?
EA: At first I was in AMP following right behind the shadow of, at the time, my most influential friend emdoublegee. I was appointed as a round table cabinet member guy person thinger but had no idea what to do as I was like 2 months old. Fingerguns fought for me to join the Feds and it eventually worked. I ended with bad terms on AMP but, I do have a place for them in my heart too.

CC: What made you decide to run for PP this term?
EA: I wanted to beat Dunks. No really, I just want to try to give back at least in some way to the Feds. They have nurtured me, maybe now I can (at least attempt) to nurture them and help them grow.

CC: What do you find most inspiring about being a Fed Leader?
EA: The Feds have a lot of great talent. To me it is really inspiring they put the faith in me, who is relatively new to the game, to lead them. It is honestly mind boggling.

CC: For those who don't know, who's Taiga, the girl in your avatar?
EA: Taiga Aisaka, from the best anime drama to ever exist. Tora Dora!

CC: Does the phrase 'Enter Awesome' mean anything?
EA: "Proud and Horny!"

CC: In general, what do you have planned for this month? (Just the gist/synopsis.)
EA: Planned? Lol, plans. I have a vision, the rest is up to the cabinet. They are all working really hard right now giving ideas that I would have never thought of in my whole life. Its working out nicely and I'm proud to help them and do the things they want.

CC: What do you think about the new eRepublik stuff, like Gold Mines and Guerilla Fighting?
EA: I LOVE the mines, it makes the game exciting. I tried the guerrilla fighting twice and was put up against D4 players with like double my strength. I'm not really much into the military module although I will tank a little. However, GF seems a little more complex, and I'm more simple and not allured by it.

CC: What do you think of the USWP's plans to revive and revitalize?
EA: I love how USWP is getting their act together. We need strong parties and hopefully they will challenge Feds for the #1 spot. We will work hard to keep our #1 spot hehehe. There are a lot of awesome people in USWP (Mercurius heyyy) BIASED FTW

CC: Any random plugs, comments or shout-outs you want to make?
EA: I have no shout outs, I don't want to make anyone feel more important then any other people. I have people working really hard and dedicating themselves and they know who they are. It makes my job a lot easier and a little less stressful. When I was born, I was born a Fed. Feds4life.

Thanks to Enter Awesome for taking time out of her busy schedule to answer those questions. Most people take from one day to a week to answer them. She completed the entire thing in under a half hour. Enter Awesome! P/H!

Recommended reading:

These are both articles written by Feds and I highly encourage you to read them in case you’ve not been paying attention to the media!

An Interview with Joe Lansing by Clint Carmel
[WHPR] Party President Election Edition - Paul Proteus, Clint Carmel
[Fed] Enterawesome...the next Fed PP by Malarkey83
Pfeiffer... by fingerguns
[FED] SHIELD by Duncan Crowe
My Fellow Newfriends by MadLannister

Latest from the Forums:

If you haven’t stopped by the forums lately, these are highly recommended threads to check out:

Everyone LOL’ing at Ajay’s mass PM campaign to the Feds
Should Clint Carmel join SHIELD?
Reactions from Feds on Joining CoT
All of the random fun and games threads on the forums

eFederalist Party Radio

The next scheduled show is for tomorrow at 9pm EST

The last show can be found here for your listening pleasure

Vote, Shout, Subscribe and Comment if you enjoyed this article! Thanks for reading!

- The Federalist Media Team

(Derphoof, Jude Connors, Aramec, and Clint Carmel)