Farewell to The I, The I, The ICA?

Day 1,658, 23:06 Published in Ireland Ireland by Ronisu

I think I'll set the stage a bit. I am a longtime erepubliker, but only more recently decided to leap into the world of MUs. I always fought for my country, for Ireland. Due to my dedication to preserving Irish interests abroad, as well as seeking a fervent populist community I fell into the arms of the ICA. I have enjoyed my time in the ICA immensely, and have been honored to fight alongside my brethren time and time again. More to the point, I am proud to have served in the 6th Regiment under Captain Ethel Rosenberg, but a lot has been changing as you may have seen in the other articles on the topic.


I understand the intent of the changes, but I can hardly endorse them. The ICA seems to become much more isolated and elitist, which smacks against the very thing that has given it strength all this time, universalism. Every person could signup, wear an avatar, and be part of a community that fought for Ireland, but now the doors are closing. Most significantly, many of these new regulations have little to do with creating an efficient fighting force, but rather what I can only guess are the pet peeves of the leadership.

An example of this would be the IRC requirement, which is in contrast with some of the changes in the spirit of Ireland. One of Ethel's platform pieces for President is to standardize the supply request program and remove the IRC requirement, which will broaden Irish force of arms to a much wider degree. I am enthusiastically in favor of this proposal, and my choice in the election will be tougher because of that plank alone. As someone who has been in the IRC channel, I'm not sure what the point is, the game mechanics seem to cover the orders standpoint pretty well. If the ICA is to live up to it's reputation as an Irish fighting force I am not sure why they wouldn't seek to broaden the powerbase.

I can more understand the encouragement to work in ICA companies, but I feel that can better be done through supplies allocation. Give an incentive for people to work in those companies, rather than shove perfectly good soldiers away who aren't in the companies. Additionally, remove the needless step, get some companies in Ireland!

For the Avatar requirement, I can see that being a good enforcement. It has mostly existed up to now anyhow, though the community looks to lose quite a few members over a picture. More significant is the push to prevent members from doing Merc Medals. If you want to require people take off their avatar when they click Fight for Merc Medals, fine, but to try to prevent the behavior is futile. I understand that the ICA wants to preserve image and reputation, especially when TEDEN is involved, but there are more effective ways of working on this.

This is not to say that all the changes are bad. The ICA would do well to prune ranks, maybe even reorganize the Regimental structure into more elite groups. Regardless, I have learned much during my time in the ICA, and I look fondly upon the organization. I have not yet dropped my MU as I am wondering if some of these changes will be tempered, and I continue to fight about 100 Fights a day with my brethren in the ICA.


My thoughts are my own, I just wanted to ramble a bit on the topic, who knows I may ramble again. To be clear, I am not opposed to the ICA, just some of the proposed reforms. Hail to all who serve Ireland!


"who is Ronsio"

"The I
The I
The ICA"