EPIC battle once again!

Day 2,667, 16:45 Published in Romania Romania by Tigran the Great
BREAKING eNEWS: EPIC battle pentru Patagonia inca de la inceput!

EN Version:

An hour and a half ago, eChile launched an offensive on eArgentina in Patagonia. Our soldiers immediately responded and turned all 4 division battles into epic ones. And then came the rain! Shot after shot untill victory was ours!

After the first round, eArgentina is leading 22-0 in this fight. I don't expect it to be a long one.

Hail Asteria!

RO Version:

Acum o ora si jumatate eChile a lansat un atac impotriva eArgentinei in Patagonia. Soldatii nostrii au raspuns prompt si au transformat toate cele 4 lupte ale diviziilor in lupte epice. Si apoi potopul! Damage dupa damage pana cand am obtinut victoria!

Dupa prima runda, eArgentina conduce cu 22-0 in lupta. Nu cred sa fie una lunga.

Hail Asteria!

Risking my life on the field of battle, I went as a reporter to get some exclusive video footage of the fight!

You can access it here: !!!EXCLUSIVE VIDEO!!!

Soundtrack by B.U.G. Mafia

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