Day 3,398, 01:53 Published in USA Netherlands by Feynmann

Hi guys,

I know I know its too soon after my previous article and I hope you won't consider it as a spam. 🙂

I just couldn't restrain myself to share with you something amazing that happened to me today.

I have just had my AIRCRAFT MODE Article posted when I noticed something strange.
As a new player I have not got too much of a gold, cause I spent what I had partially upgrading my free training center during the recent discount. So I had the miserable 3 Gold left in my account. And suddenly I noticed something strange. Somehow I got 50 Gold into my account?!?!?

I was like - what the F...ireworks is going on here? Did someone gifted me with a pack or did I win some kind of lottery? I was looking and looking and then I saw THAT in the bottom of my previous article THE GHOST BOOSTER

The one and only PLATO from the eLegends. The one every old player talks about .... with LOVE :3

I barely believed myself, but it got to be the only possible explanation 🙂

Or if someone gifted me with some kind of 50 Gold pack - confess immediately 😃 😃 😃

Anyway I just wanted to thank all of you, including PLATO, for enjoying my articles.
I plan to keep the good work in the future so stay posted.

If you enjoyed my article and you find it useful I would appreciate it if you give me a vote, subscribe to my newspaper and why not share it with your friends



PS: There’s this OTHER eRep mission that needs 25 comments on my article so if you have the time and the spare clicks please leave a comment below 😉