eAlbania is calling! eShqiperia ju therret!

Day 2,198, 05:58 Published in Albania Albania by AUTOCHTHONOUS ILLYRICUM


Dear allies and friends of eAlbania.
Thank you for everything you have done for us till now.Together we managed to liberate our regions from eSerbia,and going through eMontenegro,we defeated them not because we were stronger,or we were superior on number of fighters,but because we had you,and we still have you,our great allies,friends and brothers.Every single eCitizien from your eCountry gave his contribute on our wars for justice,on our war for freedom.

As you know we are in November,a great month in Albanian history,and the 28th and the 29th is coming.The date of our flag,the date of our liberation.
We are closely linked with theese dates,because on theese dates history was written.

After a referendum directly to eAlbanian people we decided all together to go for Kosovo,we want to make that region red,with the two head eagle on it.
We need once more your help,we need you once more to be with us,to fight with us.
We spent a lot cc,weapons and food versus eMontenegro,and we are asking your help with some donations.

Please donate to eAlbania,so we can support this epic battle.We are accepting donations in weapons and cc from all our friends and allies here in our CP-s profile cLaw eagLe or in vMoFA-s profile I L L Y R I C U M
All your donations of any kind will be written in the original article.

Thank you for everything again,thank you to be with us,thank you for beeing our allies,our friends,and our brothers.
Hail eAlbania and allies!
Best Regards from eAlbania's govermnet and ePeople!


Te dashur miq dhe aleate te eShqiperise.
Ju faleminderit per gjithcka qe keni bere per ne deri me tani.Se bashku mundem ti lironim rajonet tona nga eSerbia dhe te shkonim permes eMalit te Zi,ne i mundem ato.jo sepse ne ishim me te forte,apo superior ne numrin e luftetareve,por sepse ne ju kishim ju,dhe akoma ju kemi ju,miqte tane me te mire,aleatet tane,vellezerit tane.Cdo eQytetar nga eVendi juaj dha kontributrin e tij ne luftrat tona per drejtesi,ne luftrat tona per liri.

Sic e dini,ne jemi ne Nentor,nje muaj i madh i historise Shqiptare,dhe datat 28 dhe 29 jane duke ardhur,data e flamurit dhe e clirimit tone.
Ne jemi te lidhur ngushte me keto data pasi mbi keto data historia jone eshte shkruar.

Pas nje referendumi drejperdrejte me popullin e eShqiperise,ne vendosem te gjithe se bashku te shkojm per Kosoven,ne duam ta bejme ate rajon te kuq,dhe me shqiponjen dy krenare ne te.
Na duhet edhe nje hre ndihma juaj,na duhet edhe nje here te jeni me ne,te luftoni me ne.
Kemi shpenzuar se tepermi arme,cc dhe ushqim me luften ndaj eMalit te Zi,dhe jemi duke ju kerkuar ndihme me disa donacione.

Ju lutem dhurojini eShqiperise,qe ne te kemi mundesine ta mbeshtesim kete betej epike.Jemi duke pranuar donacione ne arme q7 edhe cc nga te gjithe miqte tane tek profili i CP-s sone cLaw eagLe ose tek profili i vMoFA-s sone I L L Y R I C U M
Te gjitha donacionet tuaja do te shkruhen tek artikulli origjinal.

Ju faleminderit per gjithcka serish,faleminderit qe jeni me ne,faleminderit qe jeni miqte tane,aleatet tane,vellezerit tane.
Me respekt Qeveria dhe Populli i eShqiperise