Dream of Balkan alliance

Day 1,562, 12:12 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by SmoothZiga

As I said in previous article I would like to see new alliance that would be made of only balkan countrys such as Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Romania, Greece, Bulgaria and Montenegro.
Many said this is only a dream and I know they are right, but dreams never die and we are all alloved to dream right?

So I decided to write an article where I would analyse what obsticles ly betwean realty and dreams. What would be benefits and what would be disadvantages.

As every bird in eRepublik is singing is that ONE is dead. Reasons for this are many. One is that once ONE was dominating whole world and citizens of ONE lost the will to play becouse there was no more challanges and they quited. Other reasons are like internal problems and incapable leaders in ONE HQ that dont want to step down. But there are also problems in EDEN alliance. One of them are the same as in ONE. Citizens of EDEN lost the will to play becouse TEDEN is dominating and most of ONE countrys are without congress so without finances and they dont pose any real challange. Also there is greed, becouse now every EDEN country want to have more resources and they start to fight inside who gets what. And final there is famous Bulgarian vs. Turkey dispute.

So how this new alliance could start.
Without EDEN breaking up there is not a little hope of making a new alliance. So lets say EDEN do break up. If it does, ONE will break up right after becouse even now I belive countrys are stiking together only becouse they have nowhere else to go.

Now about relationships betwean balcan countrys.
Lets start with Slovenia. Country that at the moment dont realy have any »natural« enemy. This is manly becouse of its diplomacy. Slovenia is also improving its relationship with Croatia. As I said many times, Slovenia and Croatia are now enemys with respect. And becouse of this I belive there wont be any problem for Slovenia to work with any former EDEN country.

First obsticle will be in Croatian – Serbian relationship. They are enemys since both countrys have been added to the game. But I belive this doesent mean they cant work together. They did signed peace some months ago and it was working great. I also belive citizens of both countrys are probably tired of fighting endless and pointless battles that doesent benefit anyone in the end. So if they manage to bury old hate and tune down their nationalism and think how much they can achive together then they could work together.

Another obsticle here is relationship betwean Serbia and Bulgaria. Some say their relationship is the same as relationship betwean Serbia and Croatia. But again, if they manage to tune down their nationalism they could work together. Many Serbians are already calling Bulgaria to join them. Mostly this is just so they could troll but I belive some might already see Bulgaria as future friend.

In relationship betwean Serbia and Romania there would not be many problems. Some already see them as some kind of friends. Romania also got a big plus in Serbia eyes in Kosovo voting where more than 50% percent of Romanians voted for Kosovo to be part of Serbia. Also they have good relationship in real life and have same religion.

Same goes for relationship betwean Serbia and Greece. A not so small group of Serbians already see Greece as friends becouse of history and mostly the world war II. Greece also like Romania have the same religion as Serbia.

And now for the hardest challange and biggest obsticle.
The relationship betwean Macedonia and Greece. As we all know and many are already tired of this endless dispute is that Greece dont want to recognize the name Republica of Macedonia but they still call them Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia. Also they see Macedonia (FYROM) as part of their land. To make things even worse there is also Bulgaria who also see east Macedonia a part of their land.
Now to smooth things up there would have to be made a LOT of work, a lot of talking and a lot of swallowing the pride. There would be a lot of b*tching and crying about quiting and so on. But if leaders of all three countrys are determined to improve relationship, it can be done.

Now to the benefits and downfalls of making such an alliance.
In my eyes this alliance could be something like ONE was at the begining. The unstopable force but with way more organisation becouse it would have Croatia in it who have zdlemmy, one of the best stategist in eRepublik and also Slovenia who in my eyes have lots of great minds but becouse it doesent make huge influence in battle noone takes them seriouse. Imagine the tanks from Croatia, Greece and Romania and mix them with some tanks from Serbia and Macedonia and then add the activity of Serbia and Macedonia and in the end add the great strategy and you get an unstopable force.
The downfall of this kind of alliance is the location, becouse all countrys are located in the same place. So there would be some problems for some countrys how to expand. But if alliance plays smart and dont invite in some of »key« countrys there could be resource for everyone and routs to get out in the world. By »key« countrys I mean BiH who have some resources Serbia dont have. And Albania who is a gateway for Serbia or Macedonia to get to Italy and in to the Europe. Bulgaria and Romania and Greece have a free road to Ukraine, Russia and Turkey as well as in SA and Egypt. And Croatia and Slovenia have free road to Europe thrue Austria, Italy and Hungary.

In the end, I know this is alliance that will probably never happen. Becouse of to much of nationalsm, bad relationships and becouse some countrys wont be able to leave other countrys with whome are now friends and make them enemys.

But, I am allowed to dream right?

Kind Regards