DoI - Congress, TWO, New Zealand and Other News (Updated)

Day 2,205, 16:56 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

Hi, as the newly appointed DoI (asecondchance) I wanted to get the ball in motion to give an update on some of the big topics that we are facing.

War with Chile
As you know by now we have been attacked by Chile and currently battling in Victoria here: Please read and follow the Department of Defence: to track our battle priorities as the coordination with allies and friends is in motion to help with the war efforts.

The good news for us all is that with the recent game changes here this will give us a great chance at winning resistance wars than we ever have had in the past.

TWO Alliance
For those that haven't seen... TWO as an alliance is increasingly closer and closer to breakdown the most recent issue is the hacking of the alliance itself by its own members:

Where it goes from here and what forms out of this is anyone's guess but eAustralia will continue to have the support from our allies and look for the next best option to join as the smoke settles... that is if things continue to breakdown with the alliance.

Recent Congress Activity
For those that don't check often here is the administration page to follow congress:

The most recent laws passed include:
Trade Embargo with Indo:
Natural Enemy with Chile:
MPP with New Zealan😛
MPP with Slovenia:

New Zealand Steps up for their Allies!

If you have not heard, New Zealand is preparing for war with eChile to help us fight off the invasion! We must always remember our ally and friend! Thanks New Zealan😛

As the war continues stay active! Post on feeds, join political parties, join MU's, post in your newspapers - help do your part to keep up activity levels in our country so each day as many as possible login to help fight in our wars.

Minister of Information

For further government updates check out the following