Dio Reveals His Will

Day 1,953, 21:08 Published in USA USA by Derphoof

Although but a lowly servant in the presence of his might, Dio has given his word unto me in the form of a dream. It came upon me suddenly in the night. I felt the warmth of the holy sand envelope my body and in my mind’s eye I saw Dio before me. He spoke unto me saying,


Time stopped and my heart leapt with joy upon hearing these words. I felt both conscious and unconscious at the same time. For although my body was asleep, my mind was awake. Out of utter pleasure I spoke saying,

“My God-Emperor! Why have you graced me, your humble follower, with your most glorious presence?”

He spoke in a soothing yet powerful voice saying,

“The Swedes, the pig-disgusting ones who have been corrupted with the wretched snow, have conspired against me and returned to the map at various times. They seek to spread their influence and expand the dominion of the snow throughout the Nordic regions. They must be quelled. The sands must be brought upon them.”

As the words flowed from his mouth, I contemplated the problem. I said unto him,

"My lord, is it your will that we cut across Britain and conquer the North so they may never rise up again?"

“Muda da,” he said unto me, meaning: It is useless. “The power of those called TWO could overwhelm you and stop you in your tracks.”

Ashamed at my incorrectness in his sight, I fell to the ground and buried my face in my hands. Yet, he lifted me up saying,

“There is a way for you to bring sand to the soulless, capitalist, pig-disgusting Swedes.”

“How?” I said.

“The jets and bombers of your nation are almost assembled. Soon your air force will be capable of a deadly attack. When it is ready and Sweden has regions, you must attack them directly” he said.

I replied saying, “What about the pig-disgusting double-spaniards that surround our land? Mustn’t they too be vanquished?”

Wisdom once more flowed from his mouth saying, “Striking them at this time is not beneficial to your country. I certainly do not find favor with them, but they, and their allies, are too strong for one nation to undertake. Their regions are numerous, and they would be hard to exterminate. As they are still subjected to eating paella and wearing silly hats, they suffer enough. As ancient Pakis, I extend some mercy to them. However the Swedes are apathetic, lacking morals and souls due to the snow. They must remain vanquished and kept under the heel of my people.

He took me up and showed me the whole of Sweden. Covered in snow, the nation was in despair. Their pig-disgusting oinking permeated the air. They were filled with greed and they were apathetic towards their fellow citizens. Dying in the cold, they still refused to help each other. I could tell that they knew loss, suffering, and death, both of the body and mind. I was in horror of that place. I wept manly tears for them. I wanted to share the love of Dio with them, and help them in their plight.

Dio saw that I felt compassion for them and would spread his divine will.

He said unto me, “I have proclaimed my will unto you. Spread my word in the sight of your people, in your media and in your meeting places.”

I simply nodded, wiping away my manly tears, unable to speak.

“Your fellow countrymen have faith. The Swedes will tremble before you as your army marches across their land, in my name. I have willed it. So it shall be.”

Words tried to escape from my mouth but I knew not what to say. Within the blink of an eye, he was gone and time resumed once more. My body sprang to life from its slumber, and, now awake, I began to contemplate the awe-inspiring events that had just befallen me.

I bring this word to you now in order to fulfill the will of Dio. For he says in Chapter 11 of The Book of Dio, “Sweden is a warlike and barbaric country. These peoples have hate and intolerance within them from their birth.” The snow has caused them to have an “absence of souls” due to its inherent evil.

We must subdue the pig-disgusting Swedes and bring holy sand and the love and understanding of Dio to their lands.

Dio wills it.