Declaration after elections

Day 2,451, 07:33 Published in Belgium Belgium by Zoran Milanovic.

Dear citizens and citizens of Belgium

Thanks to everyone who voted for me in this election, and especially thank my party Pink Panther who supported me!

I do not want to comment on the elections and the campaign of my opponent, but I must say that I hurt my candidacy opponent who said that I and my party a threat to Belgium!

Such campaigns are not supposed to take, but now you see any president and any government you choose!

I would not like now to write much about my opponent's candidacy because I am very hurt as I have already said and I think that they are the one big threat to our Belgium, but it's good you have chosen the government so that the government and the entire month need to suffer !!

This way I also started an official candidacy for party chairman Pink Panther and I think I'm in these elections do better ..

FilipuBajsic, Congressman