Cyber Ninja for congress in PEI

Day 1,276, 06:39 Published in Canada Israel by cyber ninja

Hello everyone! I'm cyber ninja for those of you who don't know me. I'm going to be running for congress on May 25. I'll be running in PEI. So, I'll start my platform off with a little bit of past:

I started this game because I was invited by someone. I went broke on fighting just like all of the other noobies, but I didn't drain my health. Ever since then I have not missed one day of work. I've worked for 117 days in a row, starting with my first day of erepublik. I had many ambitions about erepublik, and some of those ambitions have become real. One of them was to become eCanada's CP. When the time came, I joined MOO. They have shown me a lot of good economic tips. Stuff like investments and self-sufficiency. They have also shown me a bit of military and political tips too. I joined their forum and it was more active than erepublik itself. And by now, I'm part of the MOO cabinet. When HOPE was created, I joined it. They were very nice people and they supplied at least once a week. They've given me at least 15,000 rank points since I started. After I started HOPE, I made a grain(now fish) company and a Q1 food company. I started by selling everything I didn't use in my daily little amount. I fixed my mistake later by using my food to fight. In conclusion, my past has been supported by a lot of people, and I have also made some major edecisions that have resulted in only success.

And now that we're done with past, I'll present to you why you should elect me:

i) I'll listen to your suggestions, and if it's reasonable, I'll propose it to congress.
ii) I'll do everything on time.
iii) I promise not to get mad when people ask me questions, I'll answer any questions you may have.
iv) I will stay active and vote in everything that comes up.

If you have any more questions about my platform, feel free to PM me or put on a comment.

From your eCanadian Ninja - Finding the clues, staying hidden. 😉