Candidature for PP of Pink Panther party

Day 2,456, 01:57 Published in Belgium Belgium by Zoran Milanovic.

Dear citizens of Belgium, as well as my fellow party colleagues,
I wish to present my candidacy for president of the party Pink Panther!

The plans are likely to have known of the last nomination, but here I will make them again present because they have not managed to realize because of my nanadane resignation at the same place!


First division of food and weapons to all party members to fight and to work

2 Transfer congress of young players who are eager to be in Congress and represent the voice of the ordinary citizen

Third active work of the party presidency and party council

4th Meeting with the leadership of the party for the benefit of the parties to the Pink Panther and meetings with members of the party to declare what should be the party to improve

Panel Members:

Vice President - Mickey B E

The Secretary-General - Jofroi

Councillor - Ernest Bogdansson

A spokesman - J. L. Torrente

So dear party members quit 15/08/2014. the election of the party president and vote for me and my team with whom I work full mandate for the party and its members!

A party wish you all the best and we want to improve it and bring it back to 1st place in Belgium, and we hope that we will succeed and, but we will succeed only with your help !!

So come on out to the polls and vote give FilipuBajsic !!

FilipuBajsic, Congressman