Cabinet report day 1939

Day 1,939, 05:50 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

Cabinet Reports

Apologies for the lateness of this first Cabinet report. Ministers have been very busy organising their departments and portfolios.

Here is the Minister's reports when asked to submit their plans for the month, (mostly) verbatim and in order of submission.

Report by Reximus

Education Goals
~Keep one good-quality article in the Top 5 each day.
~Write a few new Education artilces.
~Work to see if we can't revitalise eAustralian University OR the New Player Society (Preferably the NPS)
~Tie in Centrelink with Education
~Continue to revise Education Articles.
~Encourage activity in the media and meta-game.

Centrelink Goals
~Do more work with Educations.
~Integrate with either the Aus. Uni. or the NPS.
~Issue more contests.
~With Ed., encourage media activity. (Maybe subsidize a few authors.)

Recruitment Goals
~Work on getting notable foreigners to come here.
~Work with MoFAs closely.
~Build a baby-boom.
~Reward "Society Builders"

OverMinistry Goals
~Coordinate efforts between the 3 Departments
~Manage funds (on a broader sense) of Centrelink and Recruitment
~Organise official national activities
~Work to prevent 2-clicks (The Death of eSociety!)

Department of Immigration
Report by Arthur Cole

I wish to continue my attempts at fighting off the evil hordes of spais while processing paperwork after paperwork of eWorld Travellers and having my authority undermined by Senators who do what they please anyway...

Department of Finance
Report submitted by Venja

Preparing budget submission to Senate. Collecting taxes and mataining control of all government reserves.

Department of Defence
Report by Valentyme

This month we will continue to work upon building on Australia's fighting force through AMUA so that we can have a stronger, more coordinated military, and hopefully earn some funds along the way.

I would like to reiterate the goal that our number 1 priority will be to ensure that we have a congress this month and if required the DoD will come up with the best feasible battle plan to ensure we succeed.

After talking with Draim and the rest of my department as well as XG, I have come to the conclusion that it is in Australia's best interest to phase out the ADF and replace it with a simpler new system. This new system will be one in which the DoD is directly responsible for marshaling the forces of Australia and helping to coordinate our private military units. Funds will be given directly to military units if they the Government can afford to do so. The current ADF MU will be turned into a MU for D1-D2 fighters that the government will help to develop into D3 and D4 fighters. Once they reach D3 they will be asked to join a private MU. Because a new system will be used my ministers and I, along with XG will begin to write a new AAFA to replace the old one.

These are the basics of what I hope our MoD department will accomplish this month.

Department of Foreign Affairs

Submitted by Xavier Griffith

At this stage the DoFA is still waiting on the CoT outcome. While this is occurring we are reaching out to other neutral nations to see if they would be interested in signing MPPs with us and build an MPP stack that can help us release a couple of regions before senate elections, and hopefully help us hold them for a little longer when defending them.

The senate has given initial approval for an in game alliance with our long time friends South Africa which will be formalised soon. Working with South Africa, we are reaching out to other non-aligned states to seek their interest in expanding the partnership.

Chief of Staff/Minister for Information

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