Cabinet 12/2013

Day 2,209, 14:57 Published in Austria Austria by OEBernd

Heyho, here is my cabinet (some changes are planned).

EAustrian Cabinet

Präsident/Country President- OEBernd
Vizepräsident/Vice President - Schwrzwolf

Außenminister/Minister of Foreign Affairs - yst31
Vizeaußenminister/Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs - Travis James

Innenminister/Minister of Interior - Vreath
Vizeinnenminister/Vice Minister of Interior: LarsUlrich87

Finanzminister/Minister of Finance - Luis Grindl

Verteidigungsminister/Minister of Defense - Harzakc (exkrementensammler im IRC)

Logistikminister/Minister of Logistics - Prince of Austria (KilleRD im IRC)

Team Bildung und Gemeinschaft/Minister of education and Community KrennyX, wschwabe, Rangeley, Vlado

Guardian Angel: Imre_Norbert

ZoltanB, lazo, Imre Norbert



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