Belarus AirStrike in Countryballs [edited]

Day 2,078, 07:15 Published in Belarus Spain by NueveOcho the Despoiler

Dear panpas, friends and oçes,
Today I have a graphic interpretation of the Belarus AS vs Albania, enjoy 🙂

Dedicated to eCryatia for moving eSerbia's capital to Kosovo 😃

Moar troll here, indian side 😛

Moral of the Fable:
Please Albania and CO, don't mess with us 🙂


Belarus can into sea 😃

yeah, they are that pathetic 😃

An Albanian tank and lover

Wanna see the reaction of eAlbania's population to the AS?
Then click here

Wanna lol a bit about Trola's fail vs Colombia?
Then better check this article

Kosovo Je Srbija

Please, remember to vote, subscribe and shout, this chick already did :3

Coolpic dedicated my grik panpa ElRoi and all the girls and homos (like Dep Dep Depici) reading this 😛

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Belarus AirStrike in Countryballs