Becoming the Power No-One believed us to be ! - Part 1

Day 2,255, 09:59 Published in Belgium Belgium by MCKitkat

Attention, the content is purely fictional !

It was a nice and bright autumn day. The trees were already starting to loose their first leaves.

The Scenery was amazing, a small dirt road went through a small forest and near a lake. In the background, one could see the mountains, with their majestic height. The place was the dream of every painter and even though

For a long while the only sound was those of the birds and the wind blowing through the trees until one could hear some other noise.

It became louder and louder, it was the sound of horses walking on road. After a while, a pair of horses exited the forest and continued to walk along the lake, following the road.

As the riders came closer, one could finally see their faces. A young girl in casual clothing and a young man in a splendid Uniform. They continued for a while and stopped at a small hillside. There they mounted off and sat down on the ground.

They looked at the Landscape and listened to the sounds of the wind blowing softly around them.
The Young Girl turned to the man and started talking:

- Father, aren’t we supposed to do our rides on a Sunday? Why did you bring me here?

- As you may have already guessed, I have a very important thing to tell you and I couldn’t do it at home.

- I figured out that much, so tell me, what is so important that you couldn’t tell me at home?

- I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. And during the last weeks and months you’ve proven yourself worthy of being the daughter of a Monarch. I decided that it would be time for you to take more responsibility. You’ve reached the right age and your mother and I agreed that you are ready for that task.

- From now on, you shall take a more active role in the monarchy. Not as a common Princess, but as the heiress to my throne.

- Are you sure about that, father? I don’t feel ready for this…

- Stop it, you know and I know that you are ready for this job. We have been preparing you for this moment since your birth. One day, you shall lead this land and the people that live here.

- Thanks dad, but did we just ride for 1 hour for a five minute talk? The scenery is all nice but you could have found some time at home.

- Yeah, but you know that I love to troll you, hehe

He got back on his horse. Hurry, let’s see who reaches the castle first!

He reared up his horse and galloped away, soon followed by his daughter. They had to hurry as they had a very important meeting in Brussels.

To Continue !