Artela, Israel Stevens; I object!

Day 2,170, 13:15 Published in USA USA by Yui MHCP001

This article is in response to Israel Stevens (, and Artela's ( articles.

I object.

I do not like the idea of opening the presidency to the newer players of this current community. Most people of this eCommunity are not efficient leaders.

And what happens when an inefficient leader is elected? We get the opposite of progress, which is what we need in our current state.

We need an absolute known-to-be efficient leader. Some examples:

Israel Stevens
Fingerguns (may you eRIP)
Josh Frost

and many more.

Some may refer to these people as "Elitists". But, Dio be damned, we need these Elitists. We are in a bad position. And we need people to bring us out of the situation that Spain and Poland have put us in.

We need you Artela.
We need you Israel Stevens.

And frankly, we don't need anyone else.

(Jfrost please run again q_q)
