Albanian Air-Strike (eAlbanian MoFA)

Day 2,259, 02:17 Published in Albania Albania by AUTOCHTHONOUS ILLYRICUM

Shenim😛opulli eShqiptar,per shkak se nuk mund te gjindet nje Minister e kesaj ministrie brenda pak oresh,dhe sdo kete dijeni per cdo gje,sic e kam un aktualisht,dhe per respekt qe kam per CP,do te perfundoj kete muaj si MoFA,edhe ne eKili,kur te me pranohet nenshtetesia.

Albanian Version:

Duke planifikuar strategjite se bashku me aleatet per sigurimin e kongresit,nje mundesi ishte edhe sigurimi i nje territori ne eMeksike,te cilen,miqte tane Meksikane na e ofruan ne menyre qe te kishim kongres,ne kembim qe ti kthejme te hollat qe do marrim nga taksa e mbajtjes se atij territori.

Per fat te keq kongres nuk arritem te kishim pas disa tentativave,edhe sot pas hapjes se 4 RW se eSerbi,lufta jone mori drejtimin e duhur.

Pas vrojtimit te kesaj lufte ne favorin tone,kontaktuam serish MoFA-n e Meksikes,duke ribiseduar per ceshtjen e AS,i cili na e dha serish aprovimin e qeverise eMeksikane,duke treguar miqesine ndaj nesh.

Po kalojme kohe te veshtira krize,dhe duhet te largohemi per pak kohe nga Ballkani,te kemi nje territor te sigurt,e me pas te mund te perqendrohemi plotesisht me aleatet tone,ne tokat tona natyurale.

Ketu na doli nje problem,pasi loja nuk e lejonte ti behej AS nje vendi me te cilen ke MPP,prandaj ne nje menyre te shpejte u be nje bised e shkurter me CP e Bosnjes dhe Hercegovine,duke marre aprovimin e tij per AS ne Dubai,UAE.
Kemi nevoje per te gjithe ju miq,e aleate ne betejen e neserme,dhe me pas te mund te fokusohemi se bashku ne Ballkan kunder Serbise.
Dua te falenderoj ne emer te te gjithe Shqiptareve,Meksiken dhe BiH,te cilet na ofruan nje vend te sigurt per te qendruar.

Ju faleminderit qe te gjitheve.
Me respekt.
Stafi i MoFA-s.
zv.Ministrat: Hitman ALB,TwoHead EAGLE

English Version:

Dear eAlbanians allies,friends and brothers.
Planning strategies with our allies to secure congress,a possibility was to have a region in eMexico,which our Mexican friends offered to us,so we can have congress,and we will return back the taxes gained from the occupy region.

Unfortunately,after some tentatives,we didn't get congress for this month,and today after four oppen RW in eSerbia,our war goes to the right direction.

After seeing this war,which was in our favour,we contact again the eMexico's MoFA,talking again for the AS plan.He gaived us again the approvment from eMexico's government,showing their friendship for us.

We are passing bad times,crises,and we need to get our from Balcans for some times,have a secure region,and then we can be focused again with our allies in Balcans,our original regions.

Here we got a problem,because the game didn't allow us to AS a country with which we have a MPP.Then with a quickly conversation with BiH's CP,having his approve to AS UAE,in Dubai.
We need all you friends and allies in that battl which will start tomorrow,then we can focused all in Balkans against Serbia.
I want to thank in the name all of Albanian Mexico and BiH,which both offered us a safe place to be 🙂

Thank you for your atention.
Regards,eAlbanian MoFA team.
vice.MoFA: Hitman ALB,TwoHead EAGLE