After the Elections...Three Days Late...

Day 2,606, 11:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gali.

¡Buenos Dias!

Following my extremely popular article, "On Infant eMortality", I have decided to publish another article.

Remember to read Nohjis' articles on our adventure to the Banana Republic!

I smuggled Kickboxing Banana on board...

This article will mainly be about the CP elections...which ended three days ago.
When I say mainly...

January 2014 2015 CP Elections

As you can see from the above, Ser Fartsalot got the majority of votes, over half of them in fact.

I would put this down to the amount of parties that gave their support to him. Ser Fartsalot had the support of three of the top five parties, plus TRS and ESO. This meant that SerF was bound to win, once TUP gave him their support, you could tell he would win.

I think, if BC had focused a lot more on gaining the support of TUP, or alternatively, PCP and TRS/ESO, before serF did, then he might've been able to win. Another problem which BC faced, was that V/Dapper and others supported him rather loudly. You will have noticed that Dapper and Co. aren't very popular chappies, and therefore if they loudly support someone, and you dislike Dapper and co., then you are unlikely to support the same person as them.

Regardless of the result, it seemed like a pretty clean election. I think that all the former candidates should be proud that they didn't deal in any cheating...

I'm not really sure what to say now :/

Teh UKRP PP Elections

On the subject of elections, we have the PP elections coming up, and above you can see our candidates. I will not be running this time, but with good reason; I want Fataliix to win, just as I hope/expect/prettysureIknow that most other UKRPers will.

Now time for a Wook quote...
"A week to go until the PP elections & it's currently a 3 horse race. There's the thoroughbred, iAdrastos...the young filly, Fataliix...and the old nag, GLaDOS."

Yes, based on last month's results, I expect it to boil down to Ad vs Fata if we do another free 4 all...

As you can see from this, GLaDOS only got two votes. I know he's a golden oldy, but when he returned to us he didn't really take any time to get to know the new players (stop rejecting my friend request mate!). As a result of this, he won't gain as much votes as Fata or Ad, who are well known and generally popular people in the community.

Wise Words of the day from St Kimi the Wise

Today's input from the great philosopher and Guru, Kimi...

I'm honoured that you see me as your friend Kimi, I am a friend to all (99😵.

Go on #eUK on irc today to listen to the deep words of meaning and wisdom!

As always thank you for wasting your time reading this!
Make sure to check out Nohjis' banana articles to see the latest from our great adventure!

BC is like my bro y'know.
Love you UKRP!

-UKRP Vice President
-Captain of the HMS Abrantes
-now they cant feel lonely