[WW] It's On (M̶a̶j̶o̶r̶ ̶T̶r̶i̶t̶e̶) 187ᵘᵐ Killa

Day 3,160, 20:41 Published in USA USA by Goddess Dilvany

Major Trite: it takes longer for you'll to rig yours, that is all
Ya Boi D Money: your ignorant we hold the primary in a public vote anyone can verify the results no rigging
Major Trite: LOL
Wooky Jack: Major Trite is just mad because its a popularity contest and he lost.
Major Trite: finally wooky speaks some truth, it is a popularity contest, adults conning children into thinking adults give a rats tale about children playing a childish game with adults... wooky and stone sittin in a tree k i s s i n g

Major Trite: pulling out all the old garbage
Aramec: I see no mention of your mother in this article.
Major Trite: you are just a child, what does my mother have anything to do with this game
Aramec: "you are just a child," says the guy with a Master Shake avatar
Glass houses, fgt.

Major Trite: comment deleted
Major Trite: comment deleted
Major Trite: what is the point of commenting something you are going to delete?
Ya Boi D Money: I am sure you would love to know. TOO BAD YOU WILL NEVER FIND OUT HAHAHAHAHA! 🙂

Major Trite: "***** *****"
were would this language be appropriate?
Ya Boi D Money: There you go mom. It is censored.

Ya Boi D Money: I have been gone from the game for a bit and am not sure about PQ, but I use to consider him a friend of some sort back in the day. He is pretty much an authentic leftist. He probably was just trolling you fail to understand that The Queer Nationalist while being true to my beliefs plays on the ideas of militant homosexuality you hear on fox news.
Major Trite: yes, you are willing to believe whatever is convenient for you, enjoy
Ya Boi D Money: I am not denying your claim. I am just skeptical can you provide a link to this. It is inconsistent with what I have known PQ to be in the past. Even if he does endorse national socialism in a serious way. I am not affiliated with that and to say such is just being dishonest.
Major Trite: live a e-life of ignorance and enjoy

Major Trite: "Gnilraps has no idea what he is really talking about"

He purchased #1 in the eUS, I think he has the receipt to prove he does know what he is talking about. You are just a con...venient tool for haters, I hope you enjoy it
Ya Boi D Money: Yes because he is #1 player that makes him qualified to talk about economic over someone who is studying business as a minor at a university where we are required to take classes in economics. I also can point to economic research that would agree with me and provide math to back it up, which I am also getting a minor in mathematics. I also am in the science program of my university getting a major in computer science which has standards you have to meet to get into the program and the courses cover not only software development, but courses involving applied mathematics and logic.

Someone how I am not qualified to talk about this and someone who just has plays a game for a long time an has spent a lot of money in the game is qualified in economics and math.

It seems to me from my own educational background that Gnilraps does not understand the ideas that I am bringing up in my article. Things are not as intuitive as they may appear on the surface. That is why they have invented mathematical models and collect empirical data.
Major Trite: how much are you paying a "university" to be this dumb???
Ya Boi D Money: Wow you consider someone in a good university studying science and math to be stupid. LOL. I am not paying that much I am pretty poor so I really can't afford university. Though intelligence and hard work I have earned scholarship that help me pay for this.

Most people who go to post secondary who are bumming around and stupid are like gender studies and psychology and those fake ITT Tech schools.

I am not supprised that I just get stupid comment probably from a bitter man or a butt hurt child. You can't even respond to my points so you talk shit son.

What qualifies a shit lord like you to call me dumb?

Major Trite: youtube without video is just lame, kinda like your whole gay theme in a chatroom driven social game...
Ya Boi D Money: I mean it was a live podcast. Youtube is a great platform to live stream on.

I don't know what you want me to do....
Major Trite: it is kinda like descendants of slaves in America claiming anyone but them using the "n" word proves racism, you claim your sexually liberated, ergo your not gay bashing when you call others gay, your paper is just trite crap...
Ya Boi D Money: I am just pointing out he is gay. That is like if a man told me they really want to give a blowjob. I would say dude I think you may be gay. I am just exposing Greeling as a homosexual it is not negative.

You can use gay or the F word ooooh I actually prefer the F word but you know it is taboo. Anyway... you can call me the F word if you want I would actually probably respect you.

Phoenix Quinn: This is becoming my favorite paper.
Major Trite: like what you use to wipe your arse?
Phoenix Quinn: I thought I told you to hush up.
Major Trite: Hush up "suppress talk for secrecy's sake"

I quit the SFP, so I can be honest again

Ya Boi D Money: You really should probably reduce your meat intake. Meat and animal products are not that good for you.
Major Trite: what is the point of being so stupid, easier to fit in with the other SFP members?
shiloh13: go back into your hole
Major Trite: I am not into butt sex, sorry
shiloh13: was not actually making any sexual reference at all Major, kind of enlightening that you went that route.
Hole in this case was meant to be your hovel
cave or maybe even your grave.
but nothing about anal sex.

Major Trite is going down
Listen since Major Trite likes to talk shit I have decided to give him the ultimate chance to face off and show how much of a National Socialist I am and how I gay bate people. I am announcing the D Money VS Major Trite rap battle. Major Trite it is up to you do you have the balls to face me off in a rap battle or are you a baby that just wants to hide behind a screen. The choice is yours.


QNN Quicky

SUMMER SLAM! Dylan Thomas10 vs Gnilraps

Ya Boi D Money for Governor of Washington

The made up adventures of eUSA #5