[VP] Working Together

Day 3,308, 15:39 Published in Ireland Ireland by King Trito Fisher

Citizens of the Republic,

I am pleased to write my first article of the month of our president's term. As Vice President, my main goal will be to encourage and stimulate thoughtful discussion among citizens and to ensure the well-being of the state among my fellow members of government. We have established two commune threads which contain around 50 of eIreland's more active citizens (who are not trolls 🙂 ) If you would like to join, PM me, and you will probably be accepted.

Just another thing. You've probably already heard that we have restarted our training war with Albania. I am thrilled to once again have the opportunity to work with our Albanian friends, earning TP medals and the like, while still having the opportunity to support allies abroad. This Training War also ensures national security because it's always better to have a friend closer to you than farther away. I would also like to add that our dictator, Sluagh, has donated 200k CC to fund our MPPs for the next month! In addition, Fritzhill, another loyal citizn, has donated a significant amount of food and money to our Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Our government wishes to maintain our commitment to low taxes and economic freedom, and we remain self-sustaining.

Once again, the government of eIreland would like to remind all citizens that we work for you! Make suggestions, become an ambassador, participate! Without the citizens of the Republic, eIreland means nothing.

Thank you for your time,
Ireland is a country with:

55% food bonuses
70% weapon bonuses
1% Work Tax
Come join us!