[UKRP] (Screenshot Spam) The term so far for UKRP mongs...

Day 2,636, 06:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gali.

I'm determined to write the most ridiculous article possible.

In a bit over a week my term as UKRP councillor will be over, this means absolutely nothing of significance.

In this article I will be showing some super kewl leakze from mongress, showing how UKRP Congressmen are intellectually superior to other Congressmen.


Teh Leakz

So let me clarify that this is just a showcase of UKRP mongs being cool kids, and isn't a narrative of mongress (I'm too lazy for that).

I am the shining light of Mongress.

Here we can see three randy patties displaying their good manners, competence and humour.


Randy Patty looking for a fight...followed up by someone saying something...

Here we can again see the UKRPers exercising their talent for sarcasm, something that TUPers apparently have no understanding of...

So I then moved the conversation on to Citizenship passes, something I don't think was discussed enough in past Congress PMs. UKRPers also were heavily involved in this discussion. The account I was on about is Coues.

Put this in cuz Chaz is UK Randy Patty

Derianch later let Lord London in, as it turns out, Lord London is Derianch...Or is it Wayne, I'm not sure...

(Insert DC stuff)


Я даже не после этого больше

Finally, some recognition for my errr...tireless work as Congressman.
Well to save you from reading this boring wall of screenshots for too long, I'm gonna skip to some good bits...

UKRP Working as a Cohesive Unit

Several times this term the UKRP Congressmen defended each other successfully in debates...

Rob Lets Coues in...

Rob let Coues in and serF saw this as a chance to stress how we have to catious or summin'

(Insert 200 message convo about whether Rob did something wrong or not.)

I Questioned SerF's decision to propose a trade embargo with Albania

Serbs rushing to shit on Albania... 😛

I then stepped in to question serF's rather rash actions...

UKRP acting as a wonderful cohesive unit

The reason I questioned SerF's proposal is because I doubted his motives.
Not only does serF clearly hate Kravenn on a personal level (so do most people, although I've never met Kravenn so I can't really say much), but he is an RL Serb, and as we know Serbs and Albanians aren't best of friends in real life.

So SerF may not have been acting in the country's best interests. Furthermore he clearly attempted to pressure congress into voting yes because he called anyone who questioned the proposal 'spineless', and repeatedly said "Show that you have a spine and vote yes" on the shout feed.

Import Tax on housing

You may have noticed that the import tax on houses was changed, this was to bring more offers on to the market, it worked to a certain extent and UKRPers were quite heavily involved in this.

Some stuff about work tax...

The examples of UKRP Congress members being great just go on and on, and there are too many to mention in this article. I hope this didn't bore you too much, and rather impressed you so much that you now want to join the best party. I know a lot of UKPPers may feel alienated by all the events that have happened within the leadership of their party, just remember that there's a place for you at the UKRP 😉 (Well, most of you...).

-UKRP is cool
-Join UKRP
-Who's winning?
-I have a feeling that Massa is still winning...

-UKRP Councillor
-Captain of the HMS Abrantes
-now they cant feel lonely