[UKRP] End of Term Party Awards

Day 2,643, 10:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gali.

Good morning/evening/afternoon/Martian sunset!

In a day the glorious reign of eternal emperor, Fataliix, will be at a close. From the glorious UKRP media spam and the largest UKRP congress for years, to Ross Kemp's exploration of UKRIP family-politics, it sure has been an exciting month. I really hope, and believe that the good times will continue into next term.

To mark the dying days of a spectacular month for the party, we will be doing a couple of celebrations in public, but also in that cellar if you know what I mean 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ☫

One part of the celebrations will be these rewards, each winner will receive 100Q7 weapons! We will try and send you your prizes over the weekend.

The Grand and Glorious Party Awards

Now, onto the awards, of which there are seven and were carefully thought up behind the scenes, by me, myself, and I (plus a bit o Fata) in VoteWookieO's crib.

Wook's crib: The face of intimidation...

The awards, in no particular order or anything, are...

Greatest Community Player
This award is for the party member who is most active within the UKRP and eUK community, and helps the community in all ways.
This award goes to- Fataliix

I pretty much am giving this award to Fata because without his gr8 leadership skillz and energetic activity in the party community, we wouldn't be having a golden age at all.

Best UKRP Congressman
This award will go to the best all round Congressman, someone who not only proposes the sensible and intelligent laws and ideas we've always expected from UKRP, but has also been rather banterous n all amirite??? 😉
This was a really hard one to decide as a lot of our Mongs are worthy of this award.

This award goes to- Massacar

Best New Player in the Party
This one goes out to all mah homi- oh wait sorry.
This one goes to the new player who has made a good, big, first impact in the party. It was quite a hard one because the thegreatsponger is also great :/

This award goes to- Billy Randall

Greatest UKRP Troll
This award goes to the biggest lad and troll in da hood.
Pretty self explanatory.

This award goes to- Rob the Bruce Pretty much because of this article.

Best Act of 'Democracy' Given

This award goes to- Pannonian Nomad
He didn't get in easily...
The UKRP rewards those who have the good sense to come to the UKRP, take this as an example.

Best Party Related Article
You'll all have noticed our dominance of the media recently, and this awards goes to the best article with a UKRP tag on it.

Most definitely

This award goes to- CptChazbeard
He may not be in the party anymore, but this is truly a masterpiece.

Goldenest Golden Oldy
This award goes to the an older UKRPer who has been all round gr8 this term.

This award goes to- Butjam
Butjam has pumped a ton of money into the party this month, Nutjam even funded these awards so...

I accidentally wrote "Nutjam" but I decided to keep it.

Horniest Badger

This award goes to- WookieO

Most Enthusiastic but Sadly Can't Write Player
I'm poor af. Get mad.

This award goes to- gali2332
I'm not actually sure if Butjam will send me the prize :/


Winner of the UKRP Beer Pong Tournament
Every term, as you may know, we have a grand beer pong tournament in the local community centre. This month, as with most months tbh, Adastros won it in a spectacular display of beer pong prowess and skill.

This award goes to- Adastros.

I hope you don't mind, but I only had 100Q7 left for two people, so I gave you 75 and myself 25 😛

So there you have it, the end of term UKRP rewards. Well done to you all who won prizes, to those who didn't- better luck next month. 😛

Next term, I'd like to take an even more central roll in the party community, this is because I really want to continue the UKRP golden age. Whilst I know that the next PP will do their utmost to do this, it always helps to have a bit of help, dunnit? I hope I've been a help to everyone in the party community this term, and I hope I will be next term.

Tomorrow we will start the UKRP voting, and will once again gather in the UKRP community centre and have some beautiful sandwiches. I do hope that all this democracy won't put me off my sandwiches. Last time, Lionbeard threw up into Certacito's tea...or maybe that was all the alcohol they found under the floorboards...Wook's got a lot of that.

People who won stuff...
-Billy Randall
-Rob the Bruce
-Pannonian Nomad
-gali2332 😉

-UKRP Councillor
-Captain of the HMS Abrantes
-now they cant feel lonely