[UCP] Vote for December Cabinet \o/

Day 3,303, 02:25 Published in Cyprus Israel by 3.14 Goat
Hello Dear Cypriots

Citizens of Cyprus, today we vote the presidential elections in our country and as you know I’m running for president on behalf of a 3 party coalition, my own United Cyprus Party in cooperation with Progressive Baklava Party and Nicosia Ulku Ocaklari.

Please remember that today you are voting not only for the position of CP, you also vote for the government, we are a group of very experienced people who want get Cyprus back to the center stage in the area, to make us more activities, more fun! But not forgetting operating our army and military units in the battlefield helping our allies and initiating campaigns of our own.

With great honor i present you, our cabinet for next month, our own dream team, check it out:

Country President ~ Sergeant Spring

Special Consultant - Mich3lAngel0

Special Consultant - Mithrantir

Minister of Defence - The Riper

Minister of Foreign Affairs ~ N.oName

Minister of Economy ~ KypriosEL

A short political/statistical analysis in to the numbers of all candidates for country presidency can be done here:

~ Presidential candidates
~ Top parties ranking
~ Official Elections Results

If you count the members of the various political parties the conclusions shows that we can win the day o/

Sergeant Spring potential voters:
United Cyprus Party, 26 members
Nicosia Ulku Ocaklari, 12 members
Progressive Baklava Party, 11 members
~~~ total members in coalition - 49

depici potential voters:
Green Party of Cyprus, 24 members
Militan Guerilla Party, 15 members
~~~ total members in coalition - 39

Georgelakeland potential voters:
Koinwniki Ethniki Syneleusi, 6 members
~~~ total members in coalition - 6

Our Government Structure

Cabinet - will discuss all issues relevant to the state and congressional voting..
I hope that if we win more officials from other parties will join the cabinet as well .

Supreme Council - with a mess PM consuming of the most active citizens in Cyprus.

Military Council - again with a mess PM that will include the commanders of all military units, the MoD and his staff. It’s very important for me that we return the military coordination in to action in Cyprus, or at least get a "snapshot" of what’s really going on in our army, when & where ppl are fighting.

One more part of this process will bring back the MoD newspaper daily operations, the publishing of battle orders in public/internal channels on a daily basis at least..

There are other offices and functions that I want to run in the future as the Ministry of Immigration, Ministry of press releases, but let’s with the basic things and what goes 🙂

I wish take this opportunity & publicly call for every citizen in Cyprus to do one more action today except go to the polls and vote, I ask each of you to invite two playing friends to come live in eCyprus! to change citizenship and join us here in Cyprus to build a new empire. If each player will invite only two active ppl in the game to come join us, we will be stronger than ever.

A big thank you for all the supporters

Sergeant Spring