[Trito4PP] Activity, Progress, and a President

Day 2,487, 17:45 Published in Ireland Ireland by King Trito Fisher

I am running to be the Party President of the best party in eIreland, Independent Voices. I have several goals for the party. Firstly, I wish to increase party activity and stimulate growth by recruiting in and only in eIreland. Also, I wish to spur growth in activity in the party itself by having a group chat with all party members. This will force my fellow party members to at least read the group message, even if they do not contribute. This means that EVERYONE will have the opportunity to express his or her opinion, as is the goal of the party.

Lastly, my goal is to have our own Presidential Candidate for the next election and this will be done by a majority vote in the party in the form of a primary election. ANYONE in the party is welcome to try out for this prestigious position. Also, I'd like to get congress again for the party.
My Qualifications:
1x PP of Res Belgica
5x Spokesman of Res Belgica
2x Congressman of eBelgium
2x MoE of eBelgium
1x Deputy MoHA of eBelgium
2x Spokesman of IV
1x Congressman of eIreland
My Cabinet:
VP: mirek12345
Secretary General: Castaneda
Counselor: Nithraldur
Spokesman: Diarmuid O Dyna
Thank you all!