Time to move on indeed (just don't blame COT)!

Day 2,160, 11:47 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Imoenbg1

This article will be a direct response to the wall of text published my the former Croatian president Thatcher/Arrlo/Obliterate - namely this one in which in a typical fashion he states and lists all the mistakes COT made, conveniently missing out on some small details.

First of all, this is not COT's fault alone. Anyone non-biased will admit it was as much EDEN and TWO's fault as COT's if not even more. Because EDEN (after the leaving of Bulgaria) chose to fight against Bulgaria every step of the way, in mindless battles which had absolutely no meaning. Just so they can punish "those traitorous lulgarians". And in the meantime lost its vision and way. And most of the EDEN countries were obliterated. Dare you oppose this? I don't think anyone sane can.

So some of the EDEN former states chose the easy way out - and joined TWO. Which is not to blame - of course they are victors.

But here is they key thing - a formal dissolution of COT will solve absolutely NOTHING. Zilch, zero, nada. Why? Because currently the other alliance has an overwhelming dominance. And unless there is internal strife in TWO - whether or not COT exists makes absolutely no difference.

Oh and by the way - Croatia asking for such a thing after directly pushing India into a pro-TWO stance is ridiculous.

So, yes, Thatcher - you were in Asia, you had your fun, now give India to the Indians. And then and only then demand COT dissolution. Anything else is just plain and simple gibberish.

P>S Considering this game is so boring of late, COT will solve nothing. TWO will solve nothing. All the dumbing down lately meant onr thing - the game is dead. Gone. And unless something miraculous happens - it will soon be time to move on.

We've all had our fun here. So please lets not spoil it with stupid articles and opinions on how to fix stuff. Because in all honesty - the only ones who can fix it (and they have shown little interest in doing that) are the admins.