[Resource Wars] 19/20. Mission Accomplished

Day 3,116, 20:44 Published in USA USA by Yui MHCP001

In the end, I didn’t get us 20/20.

19/20 is nothing to be ashamed of, though.

In something I haven’t seen in months, maybe even years, We had over 70 people in one IRC room, maybe even 80. There’s nothing more beautiful than seeing 15 seconds after an order is given just a sea of fighters hitting at the same time for one common goal.

Unless it’s happening to you, then it just really sucks.

The USA got ground pounded by many people from many countries, and we couldn’t do much about it, no matter what some may say.

I was upset at first, walking back and forth screaming multiple profanities.

But then I realized something, something that all those Anti-USA fighters proved to me.

They were afraid of us.

They’ve been afraid of us.

They’ve tried to sabotage us multiple times for lesser resources, with a lesser force, and they got us sometimes, and they didn’t the other times.

They didn’t want us to get full resources in any industry. But we did.

They didn’t want us to get multiple full industry regions. But we did.

They didn’t want us to get 20/20 resources. We didn’t.

We got something better.

We proved that no matter how big of a chasm separates us, we can still work together.

We proved that we don’t need to rely on our money to win.

We proved that we’re strong Americans.

And I’m damn proud of that.
