[POTUS] March With Groot + Election Day + Vol. IX

Day 4,488, 05:42 Published in USA USA by Groot of Cascadia

Tomorrow will be a day to remember in America. I'll try to keep it short and simple for you guys as you are already spammed with elections article! Fun right!?.. :eye_roll:

Here's a good read from former POTUS candidate and acting MoD Cthulhu..

And you can read all my campagin articleS here:


I'll just state the facts about both candidates so you have a good mental picture when you enter the voting booth!


I want to Thanks the WTP and the USWP for the endorsement! This is a real motivation and blessing to have people counting on you 😃

I've been part of countless cabinet since I joined this game and served my first term as President this month.. Great month we had so far. I haven't been perfect. I had to learn tthe basics and roots of the position, the games mechanics it involve. But the thing you have to remember when voting; I gave my 110% and intent to keep the same level of activity and involvement for the next term 🙂

I put together a magnificent team last month and will have few additions to my executive cabinet this month to make it even better! I tried my best to unite every people of this country, from every political spheres.. from all horizons. I had amazing discussion with people I didn't know 4 weeks ago! We truly have wonderful people in eUSA!


Well, Where to begin... So far, he didn't present a serious program to the voters.. Fun ? That's not a program.. I have fun in the game without him.. I believe each individuals are responsible for their own fun and the good of the community! Recently, media have been bursting in activity and everyone enjoy it!
He definitely lack the cabinet experience and this his a major flaw in his game.. Yes, he pick some very good people for his cabinet.. So far, they even did most of the campaign for him.. This leave me to believe his level of activity and implication in the game is not presidential level unfortunately.. The last thing this country need his a ghost president..

Last things that bug me is that he thrive on division and hatred.. I think ( Its my personal opinion here) his hate of WTP and others political opponents motive his candidacy .. He never took the time to chat with me but already had a well establish opinion of me.. Simply because I'm supported by WTP. That's odd to me to judge some without even talking with him. I doubt he is well suited to run the country when you brings 6 years old rant on the front page by pure hatred..( And he enjoy kicking people who ask difficult questions from his Discord room too ) Not very presidential Imho.

Well. the end, It's up to you, each and everyone, to decide who will earn your vote! I ask you to choose wisely! To choose freely!

We are all here for the same reason, Have some fun and kill some Asterians! 😉

Useful links for everyone !


We Are Groot 😉