Day 2,169, 15:31 Published in Belarus Spain by NueveOcho the Despoiler

"Sh*t ni**a, I love this moth*rf**king newspaper brotah"
~ A ghetto kid

"This newspaper is trully unique! A master piece! I would unban the autor again for it!
~ Plato

"I like your balls more than the other guys. You make more details on Slovenian emblem"
~ Franca Koderlajsa

Dear panpas, friends and oçes,
Today I have the recent history of eFYROM, enjoy 🙂

Dedicated to eFYROM for successfully making this game fun for me \o/

Btw guys, I'm having over 9000 friend request by Greek guys, does it have somthing to do with this article? 😛


(Hit on the image for full article 😛 )

Please, remember to vote, subscribe and shout, this chick already did :3

Coolpic dedicated my grik panpa ElRoi and all the girls and homos (like Dep Dep Depici) reading this 😛

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[Polandballs] History of eFYROM
