[POLANDBALLS] Christmas Congress [Edited]

Day 2,229, 14:34 Published in Montenegro Spain by NueveOcho the Despoiler

"I like your balls more than the other guys. You make more details on Slovenian emblem"
~ Franca Koderlajsa

Hello my dear readers,
Today I have an article about the congresses (or the lack of them) of different countries this Christmas. I hope you enjoy it and MERRY CHRISTMAS 🙂

Article dedicated to Akashapeke's incredible SC skills for being the first ever TWO SC to let a TWO member (Slovenia) without congress.

It was recently the 1st birthday of La Fuerza a Serbian MU formerly located in eChile and now in eBelarus. As a 4-times MoD of eBelarus I can assure that their cooperation and partnership, mixed with their lack of selfishness and egocentric attitude, was a relief and a crucial help in some battles as in only 100 days they dealt an amount of over 7kkk damage for eBelarus.
Happy birthday La Fuerza! Thank you for your support!

»»» ■█ 1 █■ «««
First birthday of the proyect/MU La Fuerza!!
- erepublik.com/es/article/2357039/1/20

Bonus track for today: 🙂

@ Franceball

@ Spainball

@ Spainball and @ Polandball

2 comics courtesy of Persepolis.Persia:

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Coolpic for Bogi's sexual fantasies

Polandball article
Christmas congress
butthurt turks inside
