[POLANDBALLS] Belarusian ballad

Day 2,249, 15:11 Published in Argentina Spain by NueveOcho the Despoiler

"I like your balls more than the other guys. You make more details on Slovenian emblem"
~ Franca Koderlajsa

Hello my dear readers,
Today I have a short story about eBelarus before and after the Bulgarian occupation of their cores. It is a passionate story featuring Azisball, Belarusball, Argentinaball, Russiaball, Spurdo Sparde Findlandball and slowpoke lolandball. I hope you like it 🙂

Article dedicated to eArgentina for literally saving eBelarus a*s, thank you brothers, eBelarus will not forget this o>

P😨 Che! Ahora soy eArgentino, boludo 😛


Salute to eSpain o> 😃

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Coolpic for Bogi's sexual fantasies

[POLANDBALLS] eBelarusian Ballad
Bonus: MEKtangle
