[PN] Pannonian nomad for CP???

Day 3,022, 02:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Pannonian Nomad

Hello good people of the eUK o7 As I am running for country president, it is appropriate to publish an introduction article. Every idiot can run for CP, so why not me... Firstly it was a plan for this to be a troll candidacy, but I've actually decided to give it a serious try. I know I am a total underdog, but hey, stranger things happened...

Wondering why should you trust me? Well, there is no reason why you should, but you will trust my team. I've already have 90% of my cabinet, they confirmed, all trustworthy experienced people. But more about this when the time comes for the cabinet article.

We will do our best to serve the interests of the eUK o7 From trying to liberate it, to moving into new lands. Everyone likes those TP points. Well, probably there won't be much expanding in this term, but we should prepare for the future. For some reason I would really like to airstrike Australia 😃 Nevertheless, I encourage you to donate to the AS fund.

Where were we... Ah, yes, more coordination between the fighters, improving our relations with our allies and try to bring someone from the other side to ours (back to the first GIF in the article) and so on...

Also, I don't plan to communicate much with Congress, till now I was campaigning against Congress under the Dictatorship. But, as for something to be approved we will need Woldy and he will probably be on the side of Congress, being that I don't have 200 000 for a revolution, other Government members will be in touch with Congress.

That's it for now. Don't hate the noob and have a nice day o7