[PN] Interview with... suezo31

Day 2,830, 10:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Pannonian Nomad

Hi everyone.

Time for a new interview, this week's first choice was Evil Doctor, but he kindly rejected, because he is rubbish doing interviews, why he never done one before (his words), so he suggested I interview suezo31, instead of him. Suezo31 was actually planned for an interview in a few weeks, so a good suggestion 🙂

Let's see what he has to say. Is he a Canadian spy, Québécois separatist or just a random good guy, you decide...

1. Tell us a few words about your real life self.

- I'm 26, living in Montréal, Québec. Been working in restaurants for the last decade. My passions include food, music and martial arts ( kickboxing is my favourite ).

2. About eRepublik suezo31. You are a RL Canadian, why do you play for the eUK in eRepublik?

- Started playing this game a bit over two years ago, probably following a link on a Tribal Wars page, liked it and stayed.
Two reasons made me join the eUK, one I'm of welsh/scot-irish decent so it fits me and two I used to play other games on european servers wich gave me the advantage during european nights, same happened over here.

3. How do you see your future in eRepublik? What keeps you in the game and what are your ambitions?

- I'm not sure, unless divisions change to strength based I'm pretty much at the top of my form fighting wise. I'd like to make another run at CP eventually when i have enough free time in RL. What keeps me here is the community, my mates and beating my own personnal records, I'd like to get to legend whilst still in div 3.

4. eUK's future? Any suggestions to the current and future governments?

- Don't know , Aaron could use more swag I guess. There isn't much of a political community in eUK, it's usually 70-90% oldfags. As a group they do a decent job most of the time both handling the country and bickering amongst themselves to entertain us.

5. eRepublik's future? What would you change?

- Besides strength based divisions , I'd put more competitions and make the prizes more accessible to the average non credit card user.

6. Who is your favourite person in eRepublik and why?

- There's many that are worth mentioning. First the Cain family for their generosity , they allowed me to have all I needed at the begining so I could have fun with the fighting module.
All RN commanders past and present for being good mates.
Jimmy for the packs and the ESO bunch for the fun.
My best mate here by far has to be Evil Doctor, he's always helped out a lot and sells me the cheapest packs ever so I can keep fighting a lot.

7. Any person you dislike and why?

- No one comes to mind. I've had my share of pointless arguments with people in here but i'm not a grudgeful person. I can always respect a smart troll. Only thing i hate is being spammed for political backing.

8. A few words about your military history.

- I'm a Commander in the coolest MU in the eUK, The Royal Navy. It is the first MU i joined and unless I ever decide to move to another country I will stay there till the end.

9. A few words about your political history.

- I don't get involved much into politics. First party i joined was the UKPP, had a bit of fun there but then it collapsed, I stayed party-less for a long time after that.
I decided to start the WBUKP for the ''be in a party for x amount of days'' mission. Other partys weren't appealing to me and I had the gold so why not. It's not a popular ( or populated ) party but it's mine, I won't join another. I had a run for CP a while ago that i lost but got to have my way with the buttons after an impeachment.

10. Do you lift?

- Not sure what you mean by "lift", but I probably do.

11. Your message to the community.

- Don't have much of a message for the community. I like quotes so here's one, I forgot who it's from: "There is a very fine line between not listening and not caring, I would like to think I walk that line everyday of my life."

Thank you suezo31 for your answers o7