[PN] Interview with... Addaway

Day 2,870, 08:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Pannonian Nomad

Hi everyone, time for a new interview.

This one comes after some time from the last one, mainly because I moved to the UK in real life (hello from Leicester) and my only access to the world wide web is over phone or Xbox...not the easiest ways to write articles 🙂 These few days I'm using my friend's laptop, so I decided to interview someone and that person is Addaway (after this, another break, until I buy a laptop). So here is what he has to say...

1. Tell us a few words about your real life self.

- I'm a History student, turning 20 next month.

2. About eRepublik Addaway.

- Been playing since June 2013, done a lot of time in government, made a lot of mistakes, done some good things, argued with a lot of people. It's been fun though.

3. How do you see your future in eRepublik, what keeps you in the game and what are your ambitions? You were the Congress Speaker for a long time, you quit not so long ago, was that out of spite, to show people Congress functioned better with you in charge, or was it another reason?

- I'm not entirely sure what the future holds to be honest, I'm always going to be around to help out the eUK the best I can; whether in Government or Congress. I certainly didn't quit out of spite, I think I had just come to the end of the road with the speakership for the time being; it was a good time to let somebody else take over the reins, and FaP is doing a fine job so far.

4. eUK's future? Any suggestions to the current and future governments?

- It's fairly difficult to know what advice to give, since the eUK's position in the eWorld has been so murky for a long time and remains to be so. The most important thing to me is that the eUK sticks by its friends, and doesn't go the way of the traitorfag dutch in order to keep regions. Rather die on our feet than live on our knees.

5. eRepublik's future?

- Game is just a joke now. Thought it was pay-to-win a year ago but the admins have taken it to a whole new level. If you can afford packs then you're good on the battlefield, otherwise for accounts like mine just forget it. Shame.

6. Who is your favourite person in eRepublik and why?

- Lots of people. UKRP guys, Woldy, everyone in Nifty. I have a lot of respect for a lot of people.

7. Any person you dislike in eRepublik and why? Some people that dislike you call you a traitor, because of the whole WayneKerr dictatorship case, do you feel you made a mistake and what is your message to them?

- Not on a personal level no. There are a lot of people I've disagreed with vociferously in my time, and I'm sure there are a fair few who dislike me.

The events during March and April are something I have been meaning to explain for a while, but never seemed to get the chance. I absolutely regret my actions, as well as my attitude towards people who questioned me after the incident. I was incredibly naive during my term as CP and allowed Wayne and SerF to essentially tell me what to do- I trusted them. Despite Wayne's previous bullshit he'd always been a guy who would put the eUK above himself so I felt proper betrayed when it turned out he had scarpared with the treasury. So I probably do owe apologies, not least to Huey George; my actions denied you a proper shot at your second CP term and while I would stand by my criticisms of your ability as a CP, it was silly of me to give the dictatorship to Wayne. I was expecting for Wayne to have his joke and then hand it over to you after a few days, when this didn't happen I felt like I had to defend that so as not to look silly. Sorry guys.

8. A few words about your military history.

- For most of my time in eRep, I was in Royal Navy, where theres a lot of cool guys. Nifty is awesome though.

9. A few words about your political history. You were a longtime Reform party member, currently you are a member and Congressman of TUP, why is that?

- I was an ESO member right at the start of my time, staying in and around them for much of my first year. When ESO died (before its rebirth this year), I eventually settled on UKRP, which had and remains with some of the best eUKers. There's no particular reason why I'm in TUP at the moment, just fancied a bit of a scenery change for a bit I guess.

10. Do you lift?

- Of course.

11. Your message to the community.

- Guess I kinda summed it up earlier - sorry about everything in March. Hopefully I have made a good fist of making up for it in the months since.

Thank you Addaway for your answers o7