[PL] Cuban CP elections statement [EN]

Day 3,728, 08:54 Published in Cuba Iran by Janty F

Greetings, citizens of Cuba

as you have seen in the last couple of days, the presidential elections are becoming a hot topic in Cuba. It seems that after a long period of time, we have three candidates, who are all taking their candidacy seriously, and plan to gather atleast 10 votes. Unfortunately, the mood between different candidates has been very bad, and the situation is becoming complicating, endangering our entire nation.

Yesterday, I have released an article confirming prole04 as presidential candidate of my party. His candidacy has been discussed for a few days, and I have explained in the article, why he is the best candidate. At that moment, there were only two presidential candidates, and the team of other presidential candidate, LauchaJP, has immediately come and attacked us (I have a whole folder of screenshots with their insults now, I keep them for laugh 😉 ), trying to discourage us from the support and attacking prole04 (their actual friend and colleague!!!!) for nominating members of current government into his government as well.



So, we have already started these elections with civil war on one spectrum and a whole bunch of dumb insults thrown between (former) friends. However, this was only the start of the "fun". When I woke up, I have seen another candidate appeared - and curiously, it was one of the newest members of my party, VivaElVino. She is one of the newer players, who in the past has changed her political affiliation several times, thus earning some not-so nice nicknames from certain Cubans. But in Partido de la Liberacion, we do not bully people and we value freedom of each individual, so in theory, everyone will be welcomed here, as long as they will maintain some decency and will not do crazy stuff, which could potentially harm us. Remember that last part, it is extremely important.

Now, of course, there is question - how could a member of party get nominated without its Party President knowing about it? I have checked out, and it seems Cuban communist party has decided to appoint her. Interesting decision indeed, since they have 30 other members to appoint, or they could ask their friendly Catalan party to nominate someone else, but okay - I accept that, I am sure there exists a valid reason for it, and I will learn it soon. Well... I did. And I am not happy.

Just an hour ago, VivaElVino released a CP nomination article. I talked to her in the morning, before she released it. In our messages, she was asking for support of my party. However, since the game does not allow to change the support after 2nd, and we have already supported another candidate publicly, I explained to her the situation, told her we stay behind prole04, and confirmed, we are still ready to help in the government, if she will need us. So I thought: "Okay, I will read it, let's see, what new ideas could she bring." And what a surprise!! I see the banner of our party dominating the article, and in the end, a fake screenshot claiming VivaelVino is supported by three parties, our party included. Yet, if you check the game page, she is only nominated by one of those, and my party, as I have said, already supported another candidate.



I have contacted VivaElVino and asked her to delete all the images and banners concerning my party. My party has supported prole04 for these elections, and we will not change our decision. And you, VivaElVino, simply cannot lie about party supporting you or not - we have our own minds to decide, and you cannot force us to support someone else. How can we trust you to become a trustworthy president, when you immediately create fake news in our first article ? In the meantime, the team of the LauchaJP candidate has already started their toxic machine to direct it towards this newest presidential competitor, and her lies about my party will surely serve as a stage for the next battleground of Cuban elections. A battleground I did not wish to create, but I will surely get blamed for it by them. How can we trust a candidate, who is promoting creations of divisions between our citizens and who is spreading hate in Cuba? Should not president represent the entire nation, and not divide it?

In conclusion: prole04 is still, by far, the best candidate for February elections. And that's why he deserves the support of Cuba. He is the only non-Trump candidate in these elections, because he does not make fake news, and he does not start violence against random citizen groups. And trust me, folks, our country does not need a Trump-like presidency.

P.S: I really, really did not want to publish article like this, because I am sure some people will dislike my words towards them. I do not mean them in a bad way... but you have forced my hand to use them. And I strongly insist that you stop it, for your and my own good.