[Pederation] Diggin' in sh1t

Day 2,184, 10:29 Published in Belarus Spain by NueveOcho the Despoiler

To start I want to proudly announce the 1st Belarusian sh1t storm of this age.

My dear friends, allies and foes,
In the last days some really weird things happened in the Belarusian lolgress; well, after digging a bit in the sh1t box , I found some really interesting stuff concerning our beloved OdDkID fpederation. So I will take some stuff out of the sh1t box and put it here, so kids, grab some popcorn and enjoy.

I'll focus on our beloved Valdemar Butor (EvenRes), who had been speaking and ploting for his own interest against Belarus, our allies and our friends.

To EvenRes, you may stop crying and saying sh1t, you are a powerless no-body now, deal with that for your own good. You are actually looking pathetic now x)

Not exactly this box, but close.

belarus_petro: I'm against MPP with Hungary
So I have a question
valdemar.butor: if we rejected the MPP - we need to go further and s**t all around
Butor is radical today
belarus_petro: If we don't want to be friends -- somebody should leave TWO?
valdemar.butor: well I can smash you into a new alliance.
when they make one.
belarus_petro: Us?
Kyver: People, let me explain the situation in short, Butor made his game by making feud with all our government. Now he and his federation are trying to tackle Belarus, so reject the Ne to Russia and his trap.

valdemar.butor: in connection with that, I had to dictate your spanish moth****cker what to do
valdemar.butor: omg, who are you telling what to do

kyver: your personal relations with Willy [NueveOcho] don't concern us

valdemar.butor: I can see better than you under my dead profile
valdemar.butor: let's kick him fast, so he doesn't show off
Kyver: no
valdemar.butor: and there's no need for a comma there

Kyver: it's easier to kick unneeded Flooderation

valdemar.butor: that means no

Kyver: Willy [NueveOcho] is more useful

valdemar.butor: Federation rules this country last two years
valdemar.butor: whether you want it or not
valdemar.butor: actually, this is a useless Butor's talk with a fan of mother***kers

Valdemar.butor: if we say no to Hungary MPP, then we should NE Russia and ruin Hungary bonuses
and then what, hm
and then with Hyena we'll blame it all on these buttonpressers

a fake sentence from Skype made by F. Simple to make people vote yes on NE for Russia

[4:37:09 PM] valdemar.butor: После исправления недопонимания в дипломатических отношениях, мы пришли к следующей договорённости: британцы забирают Лапландию, так как это им выгодно из-за бонусов.
[4:37:15 PM] valdemar.butor: у вас през лох помойму.
[4:37:17 PM] valdemar.butor: чесслово.
[4:37:23 PM] valdemar.butor: [4:37 PM] Uladzimir Butar:

[4:37:29 PM] valdemar.butor: на карту посмотри хотя бы.
[4:38:15 PM] valdemar.butor: нет, надо вас в говно макнуть.
[4:51:55 PM] kobby1980: британцы надеются наказать литву и связать свои колонии с метрополией
[6:15:32 PM] valdemar.butor: эам.
[6:15:35 PM] valdemar.butor: эам.
[6:15:42 PM] valdemar.butor: клёво.
[6:15:51 PM] valdemar.butor: на чьей стороне выступим?
[6:15:57 PM] kobby1980: отсосут они
[6:16:02 PM] kobby1980: на литовской офк
[6:16:03 PM] valdemar.butor: литвы значит?
[6:16:16 PM] valdemar.butor: я бы сначала обоссал белорашку
[6:16:18 PM] kobby1980: литовцы усиленно насасывали у Беларуси
[6:16:21 PM] valdemar.butor: а потом обоссал бриташку литвой.
[6:16:45 PM] valdemar.butor: но вообще да.
[6:16:50 PM] valdemar.butor: Литва как-то милее сердцу.
[6:17:04 PM] valdemar.butor: Кобби, запили мне неформальный митинг с пацанами из абц
[6:17:10 PM] valdemar.butor: давно никого не видел.

valdemar.butor: "after the correction of diplomatic misunderstanding, we came to the following agreement: The Brittish take Lapland, as that is good for them because of bonuses."
your president is a jackass, in my oppinion.
valdemar.butor: "as that is good for them because of bonuses"
look at the map at least
no, you people should be dipped into shit.
Kobby1980: the Brittish are hoping to punish Lithuania and connect their collonies with the capital
valdemar.butor: oh.
what side are we on?
Kobby1980: lithuanian ofc
valdemar.butor: so, Lithuania?
I'd start by destroying Belarus
Kobby1980: the Lithuanians sucked hard in Belarus
valdemar.butor: and then destroy the UK with Lithuania.
but all in all, yes.
Lithuania is somehow closer to heart.
Kobby, set me up an unformal meeting with guys from ABC
I haven't seen them in a long time.

[11/8/2013 8:29:53 PM] valdemar.butor: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/vote-yes-on-mpp-with-belarus-2338445/1/20 вау кароч.
[11/8/2013 8:40:43 PM] valdemar.butor: Поцоны, меня тут Британия пинает, хочет с вами поговорить.
[11/8/2013 8:40:55 PM] valdemar.butor: Они все как сговорились, решили меня за один день в игру вернуть.
[11/8/2013 8:41:45 PM] fedotov _2010: бутор популярный
[11/8/2013 8:59:07 PM] valdemar.butor: Поцоны, короче.
[11/8/2013 8:59:18 PM] valdemar.butor: Я продал им Финляндию.
[11/8/2013 8:59:29 PM] valdemar.butor: Они прогуляются на пару региончиков.
[11/8/2013 8:59:49 PM] valdemar.butor: в обмен на помощь от выкидывания из Финляндии.
[11/8/2013 9:00:03 PM] valdemar.butor: конечно, вас-то и так не выкинут.
[11/8/2013 9:00:40 PM] valdemar.butor: но мне просто захотелось, тем более со старыми знакомыми общался.
[11/8/2013 9:02:40 PM] valdemar.butor: Они типа НЕ запустили ща. http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/United-Kingdom/134736
[11/8/2013 9:02:42 PM] valdemar.butor: вот вам.
[11/8/2013 9:02:56 PM] valdemar.butor: И передайте презу, штоб не обижался на меня.
[11/8/2013 9:03:16 PM] valdemar.butor: Финляндия вообще не нужна, поэтому можно продавать за спасибо.
[11/8/2013 9:09:25 PM] fedotov _2010: надо статью запилить
[11/8/2013 9:09:42 PM] valdemar.butor: ну дык запили.
[11/8/2013 9:09:44 PM] fedotov _2010: что продали финляндию за спасибо
[11/8/2013 9:09:47 PM] valdemar.butor: ну.
[11/8/2013 9:10:01 PM] fedotov _2010: не, мне лень
[11/8/2013 9:10:04 PM] valdemar.butor: взамен нам помогут с этими ихними рв если чо и так далее.
[11/8/2013 9:10:15 PM] wormsmafia1: может мне написать)
[11/8/2013 9:1😇0 PM] valdemar.butor: пиши, Благославление Солнцеликого Бутора с тобой.
[11/8/2013 9:10:40 PM] fedotov _2010: на инглише надо, же
[11/8/2013 9:10:50 PM] wormsmafia1: а ну тоглда мне тоже лень
[11/8/2013 9:10:54 PM] fedotov _2010: чтоб до финов хоть как-нибудь дошло
[11/8/2013 9:11:07 PM] wormsmafia1: можно но,но это будет слишком долго
[11/8/2013 9:11:17 PM] fedotov _2010: Червяков, ты чо с чатов поливал?
[11/8/2013 9:11:24 PM] wormsmafia1: нет
[11/8/2013 9:11:40 PM] wormsmafia1: я во всех почти сижу
[11/8/2013 9:15:50 PM] *** alessandro84054 has left ***
[11/9/2013 7:49:17 AM] Kobby88: бритишам не очень верю
[11/9/2013 7:49:42 AM] Kobby88: они литовцам обещали ради фана по норвегии погулять
[11/9/2013 7:50:49 AM] Kobby88: в итоге последним пришлось РВшить нефтяной регион
[11/9/2013 10:29:17 AM] Ivan A.: Бутор, у тебя не было права на это. Но ты добьёшься своего результата - я ухожу.
[11/9/2013 10:29:45 AM] igoreckkkk: нет
[11/9/2013 10:29:47 AM] igoreckkkk: стой
[11/9/2013 10:29:47 AM] Uladzimir Butar: ой да госпаде.
[11/9/2013 1😇0:06 AM] fedotov _2010: 😃
[11/9/2013 1😇0:06 AM] Uladzimir Butar: Право у меня как раз-таки было, пушто так исторически сложилось.
[11/9/2013 1😇0:22 AM] Uladzimir Butar: кроме того
[11/9/2013 1😇0:44 AM] fedotov _2010: тащемта ты так просто , иван, не сможешь уйти
[11/9/2013 1😇0:55 AM | Edited 1😇1:08 AM] fedotov _2010: нужно чтоб конгресс проголосоввал за импич
[11/9/2013 1😇0:57 AM] Uladzimir Butar: когда тебя просит старый друг и бывший член хк двойки, стыдно отказывать.
[11/9/2013 1😇1:01 AM] fedotov _2010: а он это не сделает
[11/9/2013 1😇1:07 AM] Uladzimir Butar: Да, и ты не можешь уйти.
[11/9/2013 1😇1:22 AM] Uladzimir Butar: Пушто Федерация не отменяла результатов выборов.
[11/9/2013 1😇1:28 AM] Uladzimir Butar: (wait)
[11/9/2013 1😇2:20 AM] Uladzimir Butar: [Saturday, November 09, 2013 1😇0 AM] Uladzimir Butar:

[11/9/2013 1😇2:57 AM] igoreckkkk: народ, успокойте его уже)
[11/9/2013 1😇3:08 AM] Uladzimir Butar: да он вроде спокоен.
[11/9/2013 1😇3:32 AM] igoreckkkk: уйти хочет 😈
[11/9/2013 1😇3:36 AM] Uladzimir Butar: |-(
[11/9/2013 1😇4:16 AM] Uladzimir Butar: На моей памяти это хотели сделать все презы, около которых я вращался.
[11/9/2013 1😇4:47 AM] Ivan A.: [Saturday, November 09, 2013 1😇4 AM] Uladzimir Butar:

[11/9/2013 1😇4:55 AM] fedotov _2010: неплохо было бы полностью отказаться от финляндии и наказать каких-нибудь других мразей
[11/9/2013 1😇4:56 AM] Uladzimir Butar: нудык.
[11/9/2013 1😇5:00 AM] Uladzimir Butar: не.
[11/9/2013 1😇5:04 AM] Uladzimir Butar: финляндия ок.
[11/9/2013 1😇5:14 AM] fedotov _2010: они скучные
[11/9/2013 1😇5:28 AM] Uladzimir Butar: Норм, в качестве тв по вашим правилам.
[11/9/2013 1😇5:32 AM] Uladzimir Butar: медальки себе набьёте.
[11/9/2013 1😇5:58 AM | Edited 1😇6:05 AM] fedotov _2010: албанцев значительно веселее бомбить было
[11/9/2013 1😇6:25 AM] Uladzimir Butar: а то что бриташка решила СПРОСИТЬ, а не просто ёбнуть НЕ по финам - это вообще вин с вашей стороны.
[11/9/2013 1😇6:52 AM] igoreckkkk: голосуем НОУ
[11/9/2013 1😇7:08 AM] Uladzimir Butar: так что не вздумайте мне скандалить, лалки.
[11/9/2013 1😇7:12 AM] Uladzimir Butar: а то помирю с рашкой.
[11/9/2013 1😇7:33 AM] igoreckkkk: http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/Belarus/134752
[11/9/2013 1😇7:49 AM] Uladzimir Butar: хитрый :3
[11/9/2013 1😇8:55 AM] fedotov _2010: [Saturday, November 09, 2013 10:29 AM] Ivan A.:

[11/9/2013 1😇9:04 AM] Uladzimir Butar: ну, мне тож напомнило.

[11/8/2013 8:29:53 PM] valdemar.butor: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/vote-yes-on-mpp-with-belarus-2338445/1/20 wow, in short.
[11/8/2013 8:40:43 PM] valdemar.butor: Guys, UK is PM-ing me, they wanna talk to you.
[11/8/2013 8:40:55 PM] valdemar.butor: Looks like they all agreed, and decided to bring me back to the game in one day.
[11/8/2013 8:41:45 PM] fedotov _2010: butor popular
[11/8/2013 8:59:07 PM] valdemar.butor: Guys, in short.
[11/8/2013 8:59:18 PM] valdemar.butor: I sold Finland to them.
[11/8/2013 8:59:29 PM] valdemar.butor: They'll be gaoing for a few regions.
[11/8/2013 8:59:49 PM] valdemar.butor: in exchange to help from throwing from Finland.
[11/8/2013 9:00:03 PM] valdemar.butor: of course, you won't be throw out anyway.
[11/8/2013 9:00:40 PM] valdemar.butor: but I just wanted, as I talked to some old friends.
[11/8/2013 9:02:40 PM] valdemar.butor: They kinda proposed an NE now. http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/United-Kingdom/134736
[11/8/2013 9:02:42 PM] valdemar.butor: there you go.
[11/8/2013 9:02:56 PM] valdemar.butor: And tell the president, so he won't be mad at me.
[11/8/2013 9:03:16 PM] valdemar.butor: Finland is not needed, so we can sell them for a "thank you".
[11/8/2013 9:09:25 PM] fedotov _2010: we should write an article
[11/8/2013 9:09:42 PM] valdemar.butor: well write it.
[11/8/2013 9:09:44 PM] fedotov _2010: that we sold Finland for a "thank you"
[11/8/2013 9:09:47 PM] valdemar.butor: well.
[11/8/2013 9:10:01 PM] fedotov _2010: no, I am lazy
[11/8/2013 9:10:04 PM] valdemar.butor: in exchange they will help us with those RW if any and so on.
[11/8/2013 9:10:15 PM] wormsmafia1: maybe I can write)
[11/8/2013 9:1😇0 PM] valdemar.butor: write, blessing of sunlike butor be with you.
[11/8/2013 9:10:40 PM] fedotov _2010: it should be in English
[11/8/2013 9:10:50 PM] wormsmafia1: well then I am too lazy to do it also
[11/8/2013 9:10:54 PM] fedotov _2010: so it can somehow get to the Fins
[11/8/2013 9:11:07 PM] wormsmafia1: maybe, but,it will be too expensive
[11/8/2013 9:11:17 PM] fedotov _2010: Chervyakov, why you left all them chats?
[11/8/2013 9:11:24 PM] wormsmafia1: no
[11/8/2013 9:11:40 PM] wormsmafia1: I sit in most of them
[11/8/2013 9:15:50 PM] *** alessandro84054 has left ***
[11/9/2013 7:49:17 AM] Kobby88: I don't really trust the Brits
[11/9/2013 7:49:42 AM] Kobby88: they promised to Lithuania that they will wander around Norway
[11/9/2013 7:50:49 AM] Kobby88: in the end the socend ones had to RW the oil region
[11/9/2013 10:29:17 AM] Ivan A.: Butor, you had no right to do so. But you'll get the result you want - I am leaving.
[11/9/2013 10:29:45 AM] igoreckkkk: no
[11/9/2013 10:29:47 AM] igoreckkkk: stop
[11/9/2013 10:29:47 AM] Uladzimir Butar: oh my god.
[11/9/2013 1😇0:06 AM] fedotov _2010: 😃
[11/9/2013 1😇0:06 AM] Uladzimir Butar: I had a right, anyway, since it is historically fixed like that.
[11/9/2013 1😇0:22 AM] Uladzimir Butar: also
[11/9/2013 1😇0:44 AM] fedotov _2010: anyways, Ivan, you can't just leave like that
[11/9/2013 1😇0:55 AM | Edited 1😇1:08 AM] fedotov _2010: the congress needs to vote for the impeach
[11/9/2013 1😇0:57 AM] Uladzimir Butar: when an old friend and an ex-member of TWO HQ asks you, it's not nice to say no.
[11/9/2013 1😇1:01 AM] fedotov _2010: and the congress won't do it
[11/9/2013 1😇1:07 AM] Uladzimir Butar: Yeah, and you can't leave.
[11/9/2013 1😇1:22 AM] Uladzimir Butar: Since the Federation didn't cancel the results of the elections.
[11/9/2013 1😇1:28 AM] Uladzimir Butar: (wait)
[11/9/2013 1😇2:20 AM] Uladzimir Butar: [Saturday, November 09, 2013 1😇0 AM] Uladzimir Butar:

ok, girl friend.
[11/9/2013 1😇2:57 AM] igoreckkkk: people, calm him down already)
[11/9/2013 1😇3:08 AM] Uladzimir Butar: well he is kinda calm.
[11/9/2013 1😇3:32 AM] igoreckkkk: he wants to leave 😈
[11/9/2013 1😇3:36 AM] Uladzimir Butar: |-(
[11/9/2013 1😇4:16 AM] Uladzimir Butar: As I recall, all the presidents, near which I orbited, wanted to do so.
[11/9/2013 1😇4:47 AM] Ivan A.: [Saturday, November 09, 2013 1😇4 AM] Uladzimir Butar:

and it's not accidentaly
[11/9/2013 1😇4:55 AM] fedotov _2010: It would be good to fully give up finland and punish some other moth******ers
[11/9/2013 1😇4:56 AM] Uladzimir Butar: well damn.
[11/9/2013 1😇5:00 AM] Uladzimir Butar: no.
[11/9/2013 1😇5:04 AM] Uladzimir Butar: finland is ok.
[11/9/2013 1😇5:14 AM] fedotov _2010: they are boring
[11/9/2013 1😇5:28 AM] Uladzimir Butar: Of course, if we TW in our rules.
[11/9/2013 1😇5:32 AM] Uladzimir Butar: you will get your medals.
[11/9/2013 1😇5:58 AM | Edited 1😇6:05 AM] fedotov _2010: it was a lot more fun to bomb the albanians
[11/9/2013 1😇6:25 AM] Uladzimir Butar: and the fact that the UK decided to ASK, and not just start an NE on Finland - that is just a win from your side.
[11/9/2013 1😇6:52 AM] igoreckkkk: we vote NO
[11/9/2013 1😇7:08 AM] Uladzimir Butar: so don't you dare to scandal me, di**heads.
[11/9/2013 1😇7:12 AM] Uladzimir Butar: or I will make a peace with Russia.
[11/9/2013 1😇7:33 AM] igoreckkkk: http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/Belarus/134752
[11/9/2013 1😇7:49 AM] Uladzimir Butar: cunning :3
[11/9/2013 1😇8:55 AM] fedotov _2010: [Saturday, November 09, 2013 10:29 AM] Ivan A.:

well that just reminds green4x
[11/9/2013 1😇9:04 AM] Uladzimir Butar: yeah, it reminded me too.

Due to privacy I can't show the following log.
However an Asgard CP told us that Asgard HQ and Valdemar Butor were making an agreement about returning the Scandinavian regions to Asgard to f**k us.


Hail Fpederation of OdDkID?

Please, vote and shout so more people can see it!
Thanks 🙂


Are you bored? Enjoy some sh*t storming!
