[Part 3] Change / Belonging

Day 2,758, 21:06 Published in USA USA by Yui MHCP001

Alright, enough with that deeper meaning stuff. Lets get straight to the point.

I'm leaving the Feds for AMP.

I've been a proud (and horny) member of the Federalist Party ever since November of '09. Literally since I've started playing this game.

However, since last year, I've began to feel no sense of attachment to the Feds. I've been staying with them because they kept me on the Congressional Ballet, and just because I've been with them for so long. I held hope that the Feds could find the identity they had when fingerguns was still around, but alas, I've seen little progress. Plus the Fed IRC room is almost always dead.

I don't remember why I picked AMP, because they've always been my go-to 2nd party. But that pick has been re-assured indirectly by a few people that I've interacted with since coming back, especially their PP, BeachBunny. She's a committed and true leader of the people, and that's what eRep needs right now.
Obviously, I'll be endorsing her upcoming PP run for AMP.

I'm also changing my name to Yui1. I've explained this to many, but for those that still don't know why;

When I first heard that BeachBunny and Trekker were getting married, I said somewhere, jokingly, "I CALL BEING YUI!"

Yui, for those unfamiliar with Sword Art Online, is the daughter of Kirito and Asuna, which are Trekker's and BeachBunny's avatars.

But overtime, I decided that I would fully accept this eFamily, and they accepted me as their Yui ^.^

So lets get this straight; IRL, I'm a guy. But on eRep, I'm a kawaii little (AI) girl. Call me either Leo or Yui, I'll respond either way.

I've changed, and hopefully I'll feel like I belong again.
