[NueveOcho] Hi :3

Day 2,206, 15:18 Published in Montenegro Spain by NueveOcho the Despoiler

"This newspaper is truly unique! A master piece! I would unban the author again just to see more Polandballs!
~ Plato

"I like your balls more than the other guys. You make more details on Slovenian emblem"
~ Franca Koderlajsa

Hello eCrna Gora! 🙂

After 4 months working as eBelarus MoD and since next two months I'm gonna be busy in RL (College and shit like that 😛 ) I'll stick around here for a while to sex Bogi, PTO, steal your moneiz have fun with you in the meantime 🙂

Article dedicated to Bogi for accepting my CS in just 31 seconds 😃

Bonus track for today: 🙂

How to say goodbye to the congress with #sweg :3

Sketchtoys designs how eSpain sees TWO and TWO stronk!

Some pics courtesy of Persepolis.Persia

Please vote, subscribe, donate me money and shout, this lady below did :3

Coolpic for Bogi's sexual fantasies

And coolpic for Albanians