[NSC] Paella, Kielbasa, Tequila and Wine

Day 2,139, 08:12 Published in USA USA by HeapSeppo

As many of you know after Spain NE’d us we launched an attack back at them with Mexico and France. It went good at the start with Spain getting completely decimated on all fronts. Mexico and France took regions from Spain and we pushed them back to gain initiative. The second wave we managed to take a region from Spain but Spain defended against France and Mexico. Initiative went like ping pong back and forth. It was going okay until three things happened.

Slovenia and Serbia decided to NE France:

Argentina and Venezuela decided to NE Mexico:

And this terrible event starte😛

The event is so poorly designed that there are serious concerns about admins knowledge of mechanics in this game. The amount of kills is based on firepower of a country, not population. This means that a D4 heavy country like USA have to reach 516k kills while a country like Spain have to reach 356k kills.

Where is the problem with that?

The problem is that Spain has a population of 9516, while USA has a population of 6725. It wouldn’t be a problem if firepower actually meant that we were capable of getting more kills per citizen, but it doesn’t. The firepower of a country does not effect the amount of kills we get. If a citizen uses a Q7 weapon to fight, he will on average get as many kills no matter what strength he is. (With the exception of the top dogs that sit on extreme str levels, which means they often get 1 hit kills, but this is an extremely small group of people)

This means that Spain quickly managed to reach the goal and got double fire power against us. This helped them push back on all fronts while we were still sitting here with our normal 10 hp / 6 min.

USA, Mexico and France pushed back, what now?

Yes we all got pushed back. Mexico has no border with Spain so their war is basically ended and they shifted prio onto Poland to help us.


France have been pushed by Serbia and gotten wiped. USA now have Spain in our cores.

We managed to do what we were going for!

We saved our congress. We actually did more than that, we managed to secure a 40 man congress. And this happened with 2 attacks onto us and very limited time. Good job!

Now we will be moving forward and working on our enemies. Kick Spain out and go back to kicking Polish butt. I want to keep on stressing the importance of looking up where the orders are at all times to be as efficent as possible.
