[NNA] Your Favourite Journalist

Day 730, 06:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by National Newspaper Association


Welcome to a special edition of the NNA. Today we launch another search for Britain's Favourite Journalist and we need your help.

Our Help?!

Yes! We need you to think about all the articles you've read over the last few months and tell us who you've found to be consistently the best.

It's that simple all you have to do now is fill out this form.

The winner of this poll will receive a shiny prize and an NNA medal for journalistic excellence to display within their paper.

The Rules

Ok just a few...

1)One nomination per citizen.
2)Citizens are not allowed to nominate themselves
3)All nominees must be citizens of the eUK or members of our armed forces.

Right now go and find us the greatest eUK journalist of the moment.