[NNA] Weekly Roundup

Day 649, 10:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by National Newspaper Association

The National Newspaper takes note of high quality articles and papers. Every week we release a roundup of popular, important, or high quality articles released in the media, both nationally and worldwide.

If you feel and article deserves recognition, remember you can PM us with a link to it. It shall be read and considered for a mention in the weekly roundup.

I have decided to include a section on Regional and Party news, to allow articles from your parties and regional councils larger exposure. If your regional council or Party writes an article, feel free to forward it too the NNA, so we can include it in the roundup.

Britains favourite Journalist!

Using this google-doc


We hope to try and figure out who the UK's top 10 favourite journalists are. It will work on a points system, and the results released through the NNA, after enough forms have been filled out.

We should be in a position to announce the results next very soon.

National News

Prime Ministers Paper - Hassan Pesaran

There are no new articles from our leader this week, but please check out some of his previous articles.

eUK Home Office News
What you need to know

Information from the Home Office on all aspects of eUK life. Invaluable for every player.

The Investor - DillTheDog
is the pen mightier than the sword

Dill The Dog helps you take a look at a form of economic warfare.

The Maltese Falcon - Malta_1990
eUK congressional elections August a graphical analysis

As the title suggests a graphical analysis of this weeks congress elections, not last years.

Free Britain Times - Free Britain
a stealth dictatorship and the erosion of citizens rights

The Free Britain Times takes a look at the perceived persecution of politicians and citizens who oppose the countries involvement with PEACE.

Dead Man's Journal - Dishmcds
the erepublik hierarchy an online gaming experience

An explanation of what Erepublik is. An interesting read for players of all levels.

Party and Regional News

another successful election

The Unity Party celebrates a successful congress election.

our congressional peepz

The RFA looks at candidates from this weeks congressional elections.

East Midlands Gazette
the armed forces and the east midlands

A simple explanation of the armed forces structure for the people of the East Midlands.

The Welsh Enquirer
we have a forum

The Welsh Regional Council are looking for residents in Wales to join up to the Welsh regional forum.

The Norn Iron Tribune
eNorthern Ireland congressional debates

A debate between three eNorthen Ireland congress candidates for the elections just gone.

International News

eRep Insider - Admin
Phishing Attempts
200 ei Articles

The admins address recent phishing attempts to user accounts and celebrate 200 Erep Insider articles.

Bynajmniej News - DeJoT
Raw Materials Change Petition

An article calling for a change to the current raw material production game mechanics.

Karacticus, Acting Under-MoHa.