[MoW] Der Arbeiter - Weekly Report

Day 932, 00:13 Published in Austria Austria by BundesPresseDienst
Der Arbeiter – Day 931 of the New World

The policy of the state run companies have changed since the last issue. The Grain Company is still on foreign territory and thus can not provide any land jobs or grain for the Food Company. The food company now works at the best possible productivity and will stop production once its stock reaches 1000 units of food. The Weapon Company is hiring again in order to reach the best productivity. The Gift Company already runs at the best possible productivity and produces gifts for our State Wellness Program.

I Austrian State Weapon

http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/4526/penweapon.jpg" />

Week June 7th - June 13th
Workers: 3 (2) (-8/+-0)
Products: 755 (101)
Production: 11,3 (-18,36)

II Austrian State Gifts

http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/5194/pengift.jpg" />

Week June 7th - June 13th
Workers: 10 (😎 (+4/+-0)
Products: 340 (-81)
Production: 30,5 (+15)

III Austrian State Grain

http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/7575/pengrain.jpg" />

Week June 7th - June13th Company in foreign territory
Workers: 3 (0) (+-0/+-0)
Products: 267 (+-0)
Production: 0 (-5,2)

IV Austrian State Food

http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/2181/penfood.jpg" />

Week June 7th - June 13th
Workers: 10 (4) (-9/+-0)
Products: 818 (+313)
Production: 29,32 (-29,3)

V Monetary Market

http://www.silber-depot.de/media/images/thumb/gold-phili-vs-300x300.jpg" />

Exchange rates (diff with last week)
Gol😛 99,973 ATS (+ 20,9)
ATS: 0,011 g (- 0,002)

Minister of Welfare

Workers: Workers at the beginning of the week (active workers) ***Active = worked in the last 3 days***
Products: Products stored in the company
Production: Actual production of active workers