[MoI] Cabinet Report Day 2002

Day 2,002, 03:23 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

Cabinet Reports

Yes, it has been difficult to get cabinet reports from the Ministers, but using my amazing Ministerial Information Gathering ability, I have managed. Please, don't call me a hero, it's what any intrepid, inspiring and ruggedly handsome citizen would do.

Deputy PM - lancer450

As deputy prime minister and a member of the eAustralian foreign affairs team, I sent out greetings along with our cabinet and contact information to all of my counterparts throughout Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia as well as those in our immediate region. Other than that, I have been busy generally advising the prime minister and helping to approve citizenship requests since the Ministry of Immigration and Security is currently vacant. I have also released orders for the Ministry of Defence in order to ensure eAussies were aware of the NaN coordinated strike to help win back Sarawak for our eMalaysian allies. Besides that, I have been monitoring the happenings on the NaN forums and paying close attention to the current events throughout the eWorld. Essentially, I have been doing whatever has been handed to me. Hopefully things will begin to pick up more as the month goes on. The prime minister and myself will be meeting with several government officials very soon and I hope there will be more to report on after that occurs. o7

Necessary squirrel pic for lancer.

Chief of Staff - Molly Jo

As Chief of Staff I read over thee various cabinet topics, discuss things I feel strongly about, and try to maintain a certain order.

Minister of Foreign Affairs- DraimAlexander

I have had to split my time this term so far as both MoFA and the lead NaN Consul. As MoFA I worked with Lancer to contact all governments to open communication and ensure they know our cabinet. I have also been reaching out to individual countries who are interested in joining NaN or getting closer to Australia explaining our positions and goals and helping them to understand eAustralians. On the NaN front I've been coordinating the new NaN HQ which will be announced Wednesday and trying to work on better ways to coordinate diplomacy and military strategy between the different nations of the alliance especially as a means of keeping activity up.

I recently appointed Binda33 as Head of Ambassadors. I would like to encourage any Australian (both in the country and remote from other countries) to consider serving in the ambassador core. If you're interested please send a message to both of us with your interest.

Minister of Education - MrCooke

- Created images for Quick-Guides.
- Created an article about IRC Basics
- Received a message from the eIndo Education Minister about some world education forum..

Hail eWorld!!!

I want to introduce my self first, my name is CoachDimi im now stand as eIndonesia Minster of Education... In this Message i want to invite you to talk about new eIndonesia MoE Program called The eWorld Education Forum.

-What Is TWE?

TWE is An Organization where all the Minister Of Education Gather to Brainstorm about eRepublik Education, to make a Formulas, Concept, or System in the eWorld Education

-Why TWE?

Because As We know there is so many Nubie came up to the eWorld but dont know what they'are goin to do, in this case we need to educate them in a various way... Thats Why We Have To Join Together and do not seek for Our Diferences and Come Together to fix Our Problems

This My Invitation To The TWE, the eWorld Need You!!! And The Nubie Need Us!!!

Best Regards

Already contacted him and seeing what's up with this. 🙂

Minister of Education - Callumh123

At the moment I'm reusing old articles mostly out of spite of former DoE helpers/ MoE's either refusing to use them or too lazy to do so. Another thing I'm starting up a trial Meals on Wheels eAustralia. This program will entirely be funded by myself. It will be up to future MoE's to continue this or not.

Minister of Finance - Venja

The Budget has been drafted and passed by the Senate.

This Cabinet Report has been brought to you by the Ministry of Information, a proud member of the Pat McCrutch Fan Club.

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