[MoHA] Weekly Round-up

Day 1,018, 11:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by National Newspaper Association

NNA roundup under the MoHA media team :

Sir Humphrey Appleby
S A Wragg

Click on image to see the PM's article of the week

[PM] ALMOST Mission Complete

[MoFA] Updates For Day 1012

[MoFA] A History of The UK And Canada

[MoFA] South Africa; Between Hungary and Brazil

[MoHA] The British Gifting Hub Strikes Again

[MoHA] War Is Glorious

This week in Parliament

CP manifestoes:

[jamesw] Third time lucky?

The (Tory) Conservative Manifesto

Snoweys Prime Minister Manifesto

The Army Needs You

Top 5 Party papers

TUP (The Unity Party)

UKRP (United Kingdom Reform Party)

PCP (People's Communist Party)

RFA (Radical Freethinkers Alliance)

PCP2 (People's Coalition Party)

PP's send your weekly choice of party article to be included.

East Midlands Council News

Calling all Newspaper owners!

The new MoHA entertainment team will be running
fun and game on the forums again this month so
get yourselves over there and join in the
Once you're signed up make you way to the
Forums Entertainment section !

With Two Clicking a thing of the past, what's stopping you?

The eCommunist Delusion

Pictures, tables AND MORE!!!: congress election review [08/2010] (122nd article)

Get Rich Quick (PROVEN!)

Primeministers of the eUK :

Boredom, Battles, and Baiting

The introduction of Pirates

New Players- Do Not be downheartened!

[EN] - Optimization Research in the Construction Sector -

The Admins recieve the Fail Article of the week

That's all the news we've got.

Horice and the team 🙂

And finally....

The MoHA have been running the British Culture Awards on the eUK Forums

They were split into three categories :

1/ Which eUKer is least like the eUK?

2/ Which eUKer best represents the eUK?

3/ Greatest eBriton

The voting can be found on the MoHA forum.

The winners are :

1/ Which eUKer is least like the eUK -
(a person who rises above the normal troll fest that can be the eUK) Johnobrow

2/ Which eUKer best represents the eUK -
(a citizen who tries to get along with everyone 😉) Horice G Fossil

3/ Greatest eBriton -
(No explanation. needed) Mr Woldy

Congratz to all the winners

More British Culture Awards soon on the

Keep an eye out for the NNA journalist awards comming soon !!
