[MoHA] Weekly Round-up

Day 1,012, 01:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by National Newspaper Association

Anti Canada week with some more reasons to hate the canucks !

"The beaver, which has come to represent Canada as the eagle does the
United States and the lion Britain, is a flat-tailed, slow-witted, toothy rodent
known to bite off its own testicles or to stand under its own falling trees."

NNA roundup under the new media team :

Sir Humphrey Appleby
S A Wragg

Acacia Mason takes a night off to go clubbing

Click on image to see the PM's article of the week

[PM] You are not 12, and this is the UK.

[MoFA] Updates For Day 1009

[MoLA] Congressional Report: 25th July - 25th August

[MoFA] The Brazil-eUK Summit August 2010

[MoHA] Where To Go, What To Do

What do urine samples and Canadian beer have in common?
The taste.

'nuf said

Your Country Needs You !

"A Canadian is sort of like an American, but without the gun."

Top 5 Party papers

TUP (The Unity Party)

UKRP (United Kingdom Reform Party)

PCP (People's Communist Party)

RFA (Radical Freethinkers Alliance)

PCP2 (People's Coalition Party)

PP's send your weekly choice of party article to be included.

East Midland Council News

[West Midlands] The Triumphant Return of The Regional Council

The new MoHA entertainment team will be running
fun and game on the forums again this month so
get yourselves over there and join in the
Once you're signed up make you way to the
Forums Entertainment section !

eBoxing is back better than ever!

eOlympics Website!

[STATS]The Declining Electorate

Erepublik and Real Life Irony

(Mostly 'VOTE FOR ME' articles this week)

Quigzy recieves theFail Article of the week

That's all the news we've got.

Horice and the team 🙂

And finally....

Keep an eye out for the NNA journalist awards comming soon !!