[MoHA] The NNA News Collection

Day 726, 08:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by National Newspaper Association


After a short break the NNA is back with a few formatting tweaks.
Calling all news...

- Mr Woldy

Give a little love:A message to Ireland
A Kind of Magic Cabinet Updates
With a little help from our friends What an alliance means to us

After a successful election victory President Woldy is back with love for the world. Well for all the nice countries anyway.

eUK Home Office News - eUK Home Office
A beginners guide to job hunting
Ministry of Home Affairs Roundup

A new guide on job hunting and a roundup of events from those clever people in the MoHA.

MoD News - Ministry of Defence
MoD News

Be sure to subscribe to the MoD paper that way you'll be the first to know when there's a battle worth fighting on the cards.

The Unity Post - The Unity Party
Join Us Now
And its goodbye from me...

Why not join the Unity Party? Oh and some bloke called Karacticus leaves as PP.

The Freethinker - Radical Freethinkers Alliance
The True Unity Party

The RFA are the Unity Party? What? Well I'm not explaining it. Read it yourself.

The eCommunist - People's Communist Party

For all PCP related news - this is your stop.

The Herald of Liberty - Free Democratic Party HQ
Bringing You Love

The FDP want to love you. Is it sexy time?

In this section we should have oodles of regional news but we are lacking. If your regional council has news to spread let us know. Come on eUK you know you want to.

If you see any articles over the next seven days that tickle your fancy send them in and we may use them. Here are a few that tickled me this week.

Views From the Bruise - bruisevalanche

Sign up and fight who me

Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting...Or is there? What are the benefits of joining the eUK armed forces? Read on to find out more.

The British Reporter - Stefan1992
Indonesia Says Goodbye to PEACE

And it's goodbye from them.

Confessions of Hatred - Necrosis
PEACE isnt dead its just resting

This alliance is not an ex-alliance! It's just lost a few feathers...Yeah it sounded better in my head.

Karton eTwork - AndyMiller
Social Game

Did you know that this is only a game? Nope me neither.

Tall_niki_News - Tall_Niki

Miss Europe

I don't know if I agree with this - all seems a bit fake - anyway there we are.

Keep your eyes peeled next week for an extra edition of the NNA. We have something nice to share with you and your awards will also be announced then.

That's all the news I've got. If your not here then get in touch with the NNA or me.
