[MoHa] National Newspaper Association News Behemoth.

Day 712, 10:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by National Newspaper Association


It's Sunday evening and that can only mean one thing....


Official Papers

The People's Gazette - Mr Woldy
Ashes to Ashes Goodbye to The Royal Guard
Stay with me updates and a secretary

Mr Woldy announces the end of The Royal Guard and gets the Cabinet a shiny new secretary.

eUK Home Office News - eUK Home Office
How to start a company
Entertainment in the eUK
Congressional Report 12th August to 25th of October 2009

A guide on how to begin in business, some entertainment news and a round up of congressional events over the last month for the Minister of Legislative Affairs.

MoD News - Ministry of Defence
Training War Fight and Applying for the Military
Training War Fight and Applying for the Military

The week's orders from the MoD and advice on applying to join a branch of the eUK armed forces.

eUK National Lottery - eUK Lottery
eUK Lottery Jackpot is 181 GBP

Did you buy your ticket?

Party Politics

The Unity Post - The Unity Party
The best kept secret or our next CP candidate or Karacticus is wittering on

The Unity Party President (me) announces that the party will be backing Mr Woldy in the upcoming CP elections.

The Freethinker - Radical Freethinkers Alliance
So who is this AltmerVampire bloke anyway

The RFA announce that AltmerVampire will contest the upcoming CP elections.

The Herald of Liberty - Free Democratic Party HQ
L'etat n'est pas moi

The FDP announce their candidate for the upcoming CP elections, Aelar Vardamir Anari Eneibari.
( editor: He is now not running and his reasons can be seen here )

Regional News

This is the place for regional councils to tell us what's going on in their parts...

South East News - South East Council
Join the forums
Entertainment Bulletin

People of the South East - Join the Forums!!!! Oh and check out the entertainment update.

London's Evening Standard - Lemuel Gengulfus
News updates for London

Extra! Extra! What's going on in London? I don't know you'll have to read it and find out.

Again folks if you want your council featured in the NNA please get in touch and give us the links.

Did you see....

Ok here's a few articles that you may find interesting and useful but not necessarily both.

Peacekeepers HQ - Peacekeepers
Candle in the wind goodbye England rose

A celebration of Dishmcds who this week retired....from the Peacekeeper forces.

Zebra Times - Rob Reid
WWiii part i the beginnings

A nice little article on the origins of the now famous/infamous World War 3.

Have we any Bronze? Oh yes we does....

Exogenesis - Craig Rossiter
World News 2

Mr Rossiter examines Mother Russia and the death of the Royal Guard.


Propagandtastic. - Necrosis
So you want to talk about constructions

What's a construction and are they any good? Necrosis has something to say on the matter.

Gold!Gold! Always believe in your....um...yeah...have some golden stuff.

The International Lawyer - LordJustice
MPPS eRep gets it wrong
MPPS eRep gets it wrong part ii

A double feature for you here. LordJustice explains why eRep has got the new MPP pricing all wrong.

The Freudian Slip - Bob Boblo
The Boblo Interrogations 3 President Woldy

A fantastic interview full of that golden stuff that many articles lack- humour. Brilliant.

Right that's your lot.
If you see a brilliant article floating around out there or have written one then please let us know.

Keep your eyes peeled.

All the best

uMoHA Media

Don't forget to check out and subscribe to these government papers to keep up to date:
The Prime Minister
Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Home Affairs