[MoHA] Media Weekly Round-up

Day 885, 11:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by National Newspaper Association

NNA roundup under the new media team :

Horicehttp://erepcentral.com/navy/img.aspx" />

To celebrate St Georges day...

a Great Britain the Pub Landlord

(Bit of a thin issue this week,Congress elections make for dull media)

Now to articles worthy of a mention

Starting with the Primeministers article of the week....

PM's Choice

Congratz to Loken Silverblood
and the MoHA team.

"You see, Britain is all about rules.
If we had no rules where would we be ?"

Answer - ǝɔuɐɹɟ

[PM] Updates from the Prime Minister

[MoHA] An Understandable Guide to Voting

"If we had too many rules where would we be ?"

Answer - ʎuɐɯɹǝb

MoD Paper

"If we had rules forcing you to take a
nap in the afternoon where would we be ?"

Answer - uıɐds

Party papers


TUP (The Unity Party)

UKRP (United Kingdom Reform Party)

RFA (Radical Freethinkers Alliance)

PCP (People's Communist Party)

TRS (The Real Spamicans)

PP's send your weekly choice of party article to be included.

"And finally If we couldn't into the UK ?"

Answer - ɐɔıɹǝɯɐ

The Sports Times

Come on regions lets get some articles written

The MoHA Entertainment team

The new MoHA entertainment team will be running
fun and game on the forums again this month so
get yourselves over there and join in the

Get onto the eUK Forums Entertainment section NOW!!

"cheers for the beer ! all hail to the ale...
and a glass of white wine (for the lady)"

When Life Hands You Lemons...

Read the news

Socialism: The Workers Response

Population Statistics 18th April

[Silver Viper] eIran Ambassador in eUK

Michael Chertiozhnik recieves the..

Fail Article of the week

The NNA Awards

NNA Journalism Awards are back !

(No gold this week)

Failed Fringe Parties - A History

There's been some fighting..


eUK Season 1 Overview

On commodity utility

Congratz to all the winners this week

MoHA are looking for the new Monarch of the UK

That's all the news we've got.

Horice and the team 🙂

And finally just for fun....
Give a man fire and he’s warm for a day;

set a man on fire and he’s warm for the rest of his life

And remember to get involved on the eUK Forums

Help your country,sign up for the eUK Military

Learn about all aspects of the game on the Official eUK Wiki Page

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