[MoD Day 5,810]

Day 5,809, 23:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Defence

Where to Fight

Notable changes: None

Otherwise training wars are organised so WIN battles are on the right, LOSE on the left

Commanders/Captains, please make your daily orders for WIN battles
Any changes to this will be posted in the country feed and updated here
Claim and report form

Specifics details below.

UK Division 4 Epic - Proposal

The Governments of Italy and the United Kingdom have been discussing conducting a epic division 4 round training war exercise.

Estimated start 1200 Day 5,810 (Tuesday 20:00 UK time)

Please let us know if you are interested and would be able to contribute some pre-epic damage o7

Why are epics important

Epic Battles are battles with a high amount of damage. When a battle is Epic, you get double Prestige points and the BH medals of the corresponding round award double gold

⇛ It's good to plan how you participate in the Weekly Challenge to earn Prestige Points (PP)

⇛ Joining or raising Epic Battles during the Weekly Challenge will allow you to earn double PP

⇛ This will allow you to aim for milestones to gain rewards like damage boosters and increase energy regeneration.

⇛ Increasing your energy regeneration along wide building a substantial energy pool will increased your damage output. Active houses and Energy Centres provide additional recoverable energy.

⇛ If you raise or join an epic early in the weekly challenge. You can then use this optimised damage output across the week and earn more weekly challenge rewards, earn more medals and grow your rank more quickly.

Medal Run Respect

Fighters and pilots are expected to respect other UK players’ medal runs, with a particular emphasis on giving due recognition to newer and weaker players. Currently, the guideline specifies respecting the first player to reach 80 million in Division IV and local divisional fighters' claim to a medal for completing their daily orders in Division I, II, and III. In the Air Division, the focus is on respecting the first player to reach 30k on the winning side and 20k on the losing side.

Bounty Scheme

To discourage foreign players from fighting in UK training wars the government offers bounties for overhiting them and taking the medal. This does not apply to TW partners. Rewards are:

Overhitting third-party players who’ve made UNDER 40k in air and 150m on ground is claimable for 5k cc
Overhitting third-party players who’ve made OVER 40k in air and 150m on ground is claimable for 10k cc
Overhitting third-party players who’ve made a run OVER 80k in air, 300m on ground will double the bounty to 20k cc

UK citizens can claim a maximum of 10 bounties within each monthly period.

Hunt the Hunter Scheme

This is an attempt to prevent medal sniping and overhitting of UK players and make repeat stealers think twice before hitting. If you happen to see a fellow UK’er being overhit by anyone you will be rewarded for retaking the medal from the player attempting the steal. As long as the original UK player hitting has done the minimum damage according to that division you will be rewarded 20k cc.

Addressing Unfair Medal Runs

If any fighter or pilot believes they have been unfairly denied a medal run or their medal run has been compromised, they are encouraged to report the incident. To report such incidents please fill out this form

Reported incidents will be thoroughly investigated. If found guilty, the offending player may have points awarded to them, if a player collects sufficient numbers of points their Government subsidies may be suspended and they may be placed on an open season list with a bounty against them.

Points-Based System for Overhitting and Sniping and Open-Season List with Bounty

Overhitting or sniping occurs when another player surpasses a UK player who has achieved 80 million in Division IV or local divisional fighters' claim to a medal for completing their daily orders in Division I, II, and III or 30k on the winning side and 20k on the losing side in Air during a training war.

The government reserves the right to suspend the points-based systems in training wars if the overall campaign needs fixing - this is the case if a member of government has put a shout on the country feed regarding a battle or is a focus in these orders.


Overhitting - doing more damage than another player at any time in a battle.
Sniping - hitting in the last mins of a battle with the intent to take a SH/BH from another player.

Accruing Points for Overhitting and Sniping: Combatants who overhit will accrue 1 point, and those who snipe will accrue 2 points.

Penalties for Accruing Points:

1 Point: Reminder of Guidelines sent by MoD
2 Points: Disqualified from Rewards/Subsidies
3 Points: Placed on Open-Season List with Bounty
6+ Points: Final intervention by Government potentially leading to being permanently listed on the open-season list

A point will also be removed each time a bounty is claimed against the offending player or at the digression of the MoD.


Fighters and pilots who have their Government subsidies suspended or have been placed on the open-season list have the option to appeal. To initiate the appeal process, contact the Minister of Defence or Country President.

Open Season List

An open-season list will be available for any eUK player to review and claim any available bounties from (bounties will start at 20k).

Link to available bounties

Detailed Where to Fight

UK "Host" Training Wars

Defend South East of England // Lose South West of England

New Zealand
Defend North East of England // Lose North West of England

Defend Yorkshire and Humberside // Lose East Midlands

Defend South East of England // Lose London

North Macedonia
Defend South East of England // Lose East of England

Defend West Midlands // Lose West Midlands

UK "Guest" Training Wars

Defend Liguria // Lose Piedmont

North Korea
Defend Chagang// Lose Ryanggang

Defend New South Wales// Lose South Australia

Defend Lower Egypt// Lose Red Sea Coast

UK "Border" Training Wars

Defend Wales// Lose Maine

Defend Lower Egypt// Lose Southern Cyprus

Defend Liguria // Lose Emilia-Romagna

Useful links

Ministry of Defence : Air Programme/general MoD news
Department for Munitions : Armed Forces Q7 Weapon Rewards Scheme
Strategic Command : Bounty info


MoD Handbook Guide for Soldiers : Summary of below
New Player's Guide to the Military Module
New Player's Guide to the Military Module - 2
Aircraft Rank Development Guide
New Players Guide to the Weekly Challenge
Pilot Life Cycle

Department for Education : Useful guides


eRepublik.tools : Collection of useful tools including battle watcher
eRepBox : More detailed fighting stats

Telegram Epic Alerts

GLOBAL (all div + ️) : t.me/epicsglobal
D1: t.me/epicsd1
D2: t.me/epicsd2
D3: t.me/epicsd3
D4: t.me/epicsd4
️ Air: t.me/epicsair

Minister of Defence - Huey George


Claim and report form

Other MoD queries

Template adapted from the very fine and outstanding work of Rory Winterbourne II
National feed post adopted from the very fine idea of Sir Humphrey Appleby